Yearbook Club

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And now he felt like throwing up. So that's exactly what he was going to do. Will pushed his way past all his classmates and into a bathroom, slamming the door behind him.

Him and Nancy were friends now. Sure she was 2 years older than him but they became close after doing yearbook club together for a few months. It was nice having an older friend, she stood up for him.

It is a little embarrassing letting an older chick fight his battles, but hey, whatever works. So yes, it was nice being friends with a senior as a sophomore, until he found himself throwing up on her bathroom floor, or so he thought it was hers.

Now this may look bad, like he got so super drunk at Nancy's party and started barfing all over. But it wasn't like that at all. Okay, maybe the barfing part was true, but not because he was drunk. He was nervous and that might be even more embarrassing.

When Will saw all the people and couldn't find Nancy in the huge crowd, he panicked. You can picture the rest. Also, what we're you supposed to even think about mid-throw up?

I fucked up.

I'm gonna regret this tomorrow.

This is disgusting I wish it was over.

Will was probably thinking all of those things and more. But the one thing he wasn't thinking about was the door swinging open. "Are you serious?" A voice said.

Will turned his head around, wiping his mouth on his sleeve. Mike Wheeler stood in the doorway, eyebrows raised in shock when he realized who was drunk throwing up on his bathroom floor right now.

"I'm not drunk." Is the first thing that spewed out of Will's mouth, almost as if he read Mike's mind. Mike raised a skeptical brow. Will gave him a look that said, you should believe me because, well actually I don't know you should just believe me. Mike grabbed a towel and tossed it towards Will.

The two boys had been going to school together since Kindergarten. They still had never been friends. Not like they hated each other or anything, they were simply just classmates. Nothing more, nothing less.

Everyone knew Mike was gay. At some point around freshman year a rumor was spread about him liking boys. He never denied it, although he never said it was true. It was sort of an unspoken agreement between him and his grade.

Nobody could hate Mike because of this though and he had his sister to thank for that one. One, she was a whole two years older than him. Two, she was president of every club in school, captain of the tennis team, lead in the spring musical, class president and leader of prom committee, and finally, first chair for clarinets in band.

She had friends in every corner of that school. Popular or unpopular. Nerd or jock. Teacher or student. Not to mention, she was one of the sweetest people you will ever meet. Mike could disagree with that one, but he saw why everyone else thought it. So if you liked Nancy, you liked Mike.

Everyone knew Will was gay too. His bully in middle school told the whole school. He got picked on for a little but soon enough everyone got over it and didn't care anymore. Will didn't have such the reputation heading into high school. His older brother, Jonathan was more on the quiet side.

But supposedly he's cool enough to spike Nancy Wheeler's interest. They started dating during Will's sophomore year which is the only reason he joined yearbook in the first place. Jonathan thought it would be good to get out of his comfort zone. He's one to talk.

The first time Mike and Will ever really talked more than just a quick conversation in class to pass time, was September of their sophomore year. Mike joined the football team to hopefully get rid of some spare time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2023 ⏰

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