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This chapter has some internalized homophobia.

"Mike it wasn't that bad." Will said, walking fast in an attempt to keep up with his friend. "It was that bad Will. Everyone saw it." Mike said, wiping a tear from his eye. Will didn't know what to say so he kept walking.

"Hey Byers!" Troy said, grabbing Will's shoulder. "Why don't you give Mike some alone time? He doesn't need his little boyfriend right now." Will watched as Mike kept walking.

"Why's he so pissed? Storming away like that." Troy taunted. Will tried to walk past but James joined Troy in holding him back. "You stole his book bag and dumped out everything in it! And you just kept pestering him for no reason."

Troy and James laughed. "Then why didn't you help him?" Troy asked. "Y-you wouldn't let me. I tried. You all stood in a circle and didn't let me through. Why'd you do that?" Will said, panicking. He saw Mike turn the corner and disappear.

Troy decided he had enough and let Will go. "Alright Byers, go get Wheeler then. Tell him to stop being such a pussy." He laughed and walked away.

Will shoved through the crowd that was previously watching. Once he got out he went to the bathroom. The one at the back of the school. The one nobody ever went to, unless you were apart of the party.

It was there place to escape, to meet up in between classes. It was an easy way out. If there was one place Mike had gone, it was there.

"Mike." Will whisper as he pushed the door open. He headed to the end stall, the biggest one. "Mike I know you're in there. Can we talk?" Will asked. No answer.

"Mike. Unlock the door." Will said. Nothing. "Please Mike. For me?" He continued. At first their was no answer, but then he heard shuffling and the stall door slowly popped open. Mike stood there, his eyes puffy and nose red. He was looking down at Will's shoes.

Will walked in and shut the door behind them. Then Mike broke down. He fell into Will's arms and put his head in the crook of his neck. Will rubbed his back and waited for Mike to calm down.

Once he heard the breathing get slower, Will spoke up. "Do you wanna talk about it?" He asked. "No." He said, then he caved. Mike couldn't resist Will. He couldn't say no to him. And he felt safe with Will, like he could tell him anything.

"I just- I'm tired of being bullied, Will. What's so bad about us? Why do they keep doing this? They threw my stuff on the ground, kept pushing me up against the lockers, asking where you were, my little boyfriend." Mike said, finger quoting the last part.

"I hate it. I hate it so much." He said, still crying into Will's shoulder. "It's okay. I understand. We can make things better. I promise." Will said.

"No we can't. It won't get better. They will keep doing this stuff. All through high school, just keep taunting us."

Will didn't know what to say so he just continued rubbing Mike's back. He let the taller boy spill it all out. "And frog face! I hate that stupid name. I don't want to look like frog. I know I act like I don't care but Jesus, it is so fucking annoying when they call me that. I hate the way I look enough already."

"Woah woah. Nothing is wrong with the way you look, Mike." Will cut him off. Mike sighed and didn't answer. Will pulled away from the hug and grabbed Mike's face. "Listen to me. There is nothing wrong with the way you look. You look amazing. You are amazing. There is nothing wrong with you."

Mike started crying again, not because of the bullies but because of Will. He was so lucky to have Will, he didn't deserve him. He always knew what to say, and even if he didn't, just his presence made Mike feel better. But the thoughts caught up to him. Mike felt them cloud his brain.

There is something wrong with you. Will doesn't know but you know, deep down there is something wrong. You like what you aren't supposed to like. And hanging around Will Byers doesn't help that. It just makes your secret even harder to keep. So leave him, don't talk to him, don't answer his calls. Maybe it will go away. Do it Mike, get rid of those horrible feelings, those horrible temptations.

Remember the dream you had the other night? The one where your lips touched his? You shouldn't be dreaming that. Remember holding him as you guys fell asleep together last week? You shouldn't have done that Mike. People will find out, and when they do, it's over.

"Mike!" Will said. Mike came back in touch with reality. He was breathing heavily. "There is something wrong with me." He spat out. Will looked confused, checking Mike's face for any sign of lightheadedness or whatever other sicknesses there were.

Mike felt Will holding his face and he almost passed out. "What?" Will asked. "You said there's nothing wrong with me, but there is. I get this feeling. This feeling that I most definitely should not be feeling."

Will nodded as if he understood. "Do you get it?" Mike asked. Will paused for a second. He thought he knew what Mike was hinting at, but this was Mike Wheeler. There was no way.

Mike took a deep breath. "This feeling around boys." Mike said, emphasizing the last part. Will sighed of relief. "Oh Mike. That doesn't make anything wrong with you." Will said. Mike realized Will was okay with it so he kept going.

"No. No, not boys. Just- just you. I only get that feeling around you. I'm so sorry." Mike said falling into Will's hug once more.

"There's nothing to be sorry for." Will said, combing Mike's hair with his fingers. Mike hugged Will even tighter. It felt good to let that out.

Mike pulled away. "You are the first person I told." He said. Will smiled. "Can I let you in on a secret? I get that feeling too." He laughed.

Mike stared at Will for second. "I will start crying again if you're messing with me." He said. "I'm not messing. I have for a while now."

"Can I kiss you?" Mike asked out of nowhere. "Hm?" Will said, looking up. Mike felt his heart beating out of his chest as his eyes landed on Will's lips.

"Can I uhm- I don't know if it's too soon but..." Mike trailed off. Will thought to himself for a second. Does he really want to do this? Jesus, was that even a question?

Will stood on his tip toes to reach Mike. He placed his lips on the other boys' and wrapped an arm around his neck. Soon, he brought the other arm up as well.

Mike was an awkward kisser. It was weird that Will was surprisingly good at it. Maybe Mike as just awkward cause he was so nervous. After all, they were making out in a school bathroom with a bunch of homophobes wandering the halls.


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