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"Micheal Wheeler." Lucas sighed in aw. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. Mike shrugged his shoulders in a questioning way.

"You cheated on El!" Lucas whisper-yelled. Mike was quiet but then quickly moved to shut his friend up. "No. Absolutely not. That is not what happened." He said grabbing Lucas's shoulders.

"That's what it sounds like." Lucas raised his eyebrows.

"When me and El were fighting she dumped me. She said, and I quote, "I'm dumping your ass for a second time" which technically means we were broken up before I did anything with Will."

"Oh so that makes it better? Your girlfriend broke up with you and then she gets sent off to jail so you kiss her brother. Mike, that's insane."

"Lucas. I know." Mike complained.

Lucas just looked at him, waiting for an answer.

"But if you saw the way Will was looking at me you would've done it too."

"I so would not have." Lucas said, his arms crossed.

"Bullshit. You had a crush on him in middle school. Who's to say it's not there anymore?"

"Max is! I like Max!"

"But you remember how you felt when Will looked at you right?" Lucas hesitated but nodded. "That's how I felt. Normally I'm better at hiding it but Jesus I just went for it."

"Was Jonathan not around? What exactly happened?" Lucas smirked. Mike gave in and sat down next to him.

"I went into his bedroom to apologize for being a douche at the roller rink."

"Why're you always such a douche-"

"Then we started talking, and I said some things, he said some things but it felt like we were flirting Lucas I'm not even joking. The way he smiled, I couldn't believe it. Then Jonathan walks in and tells us we're leaving so I sort of just shake it off and..."

Mike's mind wandered to that moment as he continued sharing with Lucas.

As Jonathan shut the door, leaving Mike and Will alone again, both boys stood up. Carrying their bags, the two of them started walking towards the door at the same time. Both stopped.

"Sorry." Will said. "Go ahead." Mike put a hand on the knob to open it but then paused. He turned to look at Will. "Can I ask you something?"

Will was almost caught off guard. "Yeah, sure."

"Did you miss me too?" He asked. Will laughed. "Of course I missed you. Why?"

"I don't know. It's just I got so many letters from El but never any from you. I didn't get a phone call either." Will's face slowly dropped and he sighed.

"I know and I'm sorry. I shouldn't have gotten mad at you for not calling or writing if I didn't either. It's just I figured writing letters was yours and El's thing and I wanted to call but every time I got enough courage to my mom was on the phone. I know that's not a good excuse but I'm sorry." Will gave a small smile.

"Why'd you have to 'gain enough courage'?" Mike asked, laughing.

Will just looked at him, hoping he might finally take the hint. But who was he kidding, this guy was so oblivious to everything.

As Mike saw the way Will was looking at him once again, his laughter slowly faded away. He looked at Will with the same desire he had. Both boys were thinking the same thing.

Will clutched onto the painting in front of his chest even harder. The more nervous he got, the tighter grip he had.

Mike couldn't take it anymore. He leaned forward and planted a kiss on the other boys lips so fast that Will found himself stumbling back.

Mike wrapped an arm around Will's back to keep him from falling, and also to pull him closer. He couldn't take his lips off Will's. He's only ever kissed one person before, but this felt so much better.

Both boys pulled away out of breath. Will smiled so bright, his lips went from ear to ear.

"And then Jonathan barged in telling us to hurry. Me and Will were way to close and he asked what we were doing and Will handed me the painting in his hand and pretended that's what was happening all along."

"Man. I didn't expect Will to be so smooth."

"Smooth?" Mike asked. Lucas gave him a knowing look. "He totally got you to kiss him, just by looking at you."

"That is not what happened."

"Yes it is! His eyes, they had some sort of spell on you." Lucas laughed, joking with Mike. Who only just sat there. "It's okay Mike. It's crazy how innocent Will is but still has everyone on their knees for him."

"Me and you? That's only two people Lucas, not everyone." Lucas looked at Mike, knowing damn well. He sighed, preparing himself to list off people.

"Jennifer Hayes crying at his funeral. That one girl at the snowball who asked him to dance. He told me a girl at school in Cali was flirting with him. You. Me. Max. And Dustin."

"Oh my god, Dustin? Since when?" Mike laughed.

"Dustin had the biggest crush on Will in 4th grade. He made me bike to Will's house to give him flowers on Valentine's Day."

Mike laughed and then paused.

"Wait- did you say Max? I'm gonna pee my pants."

"I know right! When she first moved here, she said she was only so interested in Will because of the whole 'zombie boy' thing but she actually just had a crush on him."

Mike's jaw dropped. "I am so teasing her for that."

"I already do. But you cannot tell Will cause he still doesn't know."

I am an avid "Will pulls so many people but doesn't know it" believer

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