It will take a while

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This chapter is kind of boring but it is a little sad. So if you want a good cry, continue reading.

It will take a while, Will Byers thought sitting in his room. He was thinking, as now a days, that's all he seemed to be doing. Thinking. It wouldn't hurt to just shut his mind down for a second. Just so it would stop spinning it circles.

He was thinking about Mike. He was thinking about him being gay. He was thinking about coming out to people. He was thinking about how they would react. He was thinking about if Mike felt the same. He was thinking about everything.

His mind just kept circling right back to these very words. "It will take a while." He wanted to tell Dustin first. Then Jonathan. Then his mother and potentially everybody else. He knew it would take a lot of courage just to even think about doing so.

He wanted to tell Mike how he really felt. Even if it meant Mike would never talk to him again, it would feel so good to get it off his chest. He wanted Mike to know how the truth. It was hurting Will inside.

The very last thing he wanted was for Mike to be happy. Don't get him wrong, it would be amazing for Mike to be happy with Will Byers. However, the chances of that happening were slim to none. If El made him happy then so be it, that would make Will happy too.

After everything that happened with the mindflayer, El and Hopper moved in with the Byers. Jonathan went off to college and El took his old room. When he comes back to visit. We go out for some pizza and then play video games at the arcade. Those are my favorite days.

A close second would be the Friday nights when the whole party comes over and helps make dinner. Then we sit together and eat, followed by a sleepover in my room. School started a couple months ago so everybody is pretty used to high school by now.

Tonight Lucas and Dustin volunteered at the middle school to chaperone the school dance. Mainly because Lucas was told he had to go for Erica. Somehow dustin got dragged along with him.

This weekend, Max was visiting her father back in California. She was so excited and talked about it all week. It made Will so happy to see her smile. She has a beautiful one too, although you don't see it very often.

So tonight it was just Will, Mike and El. Normally this would upset him, seeing as third wheeling with Mike and El the whole night wasn't his idea of fun. Although, El had been growing on Will. They became best friends over time. He was spending a whole night with his two best friends.

The three of them cooked dinner with the help of Joyce. Hopper tried to give a hand but he wasn't that great of a cook. Instead he set the table and washed the used dishes when they were finished. After dinner the three friends went upstairs to talk.

They mainly talked about school and how much they hated their teachers. Mike and Will missed Mr. Clarke. El never really knew him but he was nice at the Snowball. The room filled with small talk and laughter throughout the dance.

"I'm gonna go down stairs to check on mom." Will said. "Okay, can you tell her I said goodnight?" El asked. Will nodded and headed downstairs. Joyce and Hopper were cuddled up on the couch watching a movie.

"Hey mom, hey Hop. El told me to tell you guys that she said goodnight. I think I'm gonna go to bed too. It's getting pretty late. Love you." Will said smiling at the couple. "Alright hun, goodnight. Love you too." She said yawning. "Goodnight kid." Hopper said rubbing Joyce's shoulder. I'm glad they're finally happy.

Will headed back upstairs yawning. He didn't realize how tired he was until now. As he approached El's room he heard faint music from the other side of the door. He began to push it open. "Hey El I'm-" Will began but he stopped. The door was only cracked open a tiny bit but he could still see the two having a little dance party.

It was adorable, Will had to admit. They were perfect together. It hurt, he wasn't going to lie, but El was happy. So was Mike, and that made Will happy as well. As much as it pained him to admit it, his list of things he wanted to do might take a little bit longer than he thought.

He headed to the bathroom in order to brush his teeth. With everything going on, Will kind of pushed his feelings to the side. It was sort of all hitting him now while he was standing in front of the mirror. He watched a tear slip from his eye and roll down his pink cheek.

It wasn't even because he was sad, he was just overwhelmed. Will finished brushing his teeth and wiped his very few tears that let loose. He went back to his room and laid down. Normally it took will forever to fall asleep. Tonight was as easy as can be.

Mike got up to go check on Will before he went to bed. He pushed the door open slightly. "Will are you up?" He asked in a soft whisper. He didn't hear any words nor movement. Mike walked over to Will's desk where a drawing lay under the lamp.

It was a picture of Jonathan. Mike sat down in the chair and looked at Will. "You know one day you're face is going to be all over the news. So talented yet nobody knows." Mike said even though Will couldn't hear. "I don't mind keeping you to myself for a little bit longer though." He said putting the drawing back on the desk.

He walked to the door to find El. "He really is so talented." She said leaning against the door frame. Mike looked back. "Yeah, yeah he is." Just a little while longer, he thought.

Woah! Me actually updating?? Haven't done that in about what? A year??? Sorry about that. I do plan on updating more since soccer is over.

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