and i wish i would've told him

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In which Will died in the battle of star court, sacrificing himself for El. (Kind of like billy did yk)
I recommend to prepare yourself to cry, maybe put on a little sad music yeah?

He sat down at his desk. The tears wouldn't come out. Mike Wheeler had felt numb. He wanted to spill everything out, get it all off his chest. Even though he was surrounded by friends and family to comfort him, he felt like the loneliest person ever. It was because he was not here. So Mike had picked up a pen, to share his feelings with nobody but himself.

Dear whatever this is,

Three days since the battle of Starcourt. His funeral is tomorrow which makes no sense to me. Only the people who were there and know about this whole thing are invited. Others would ask too many questions. His death is a mystery to the outside world and they may never find out. So only a small amount of people are to come. Although that's what he would have wanted, he still deserves better. The world deserves to know the sacrifices he's made. The sacrifices he wouldn't have made if he wasn't the amazing person he was. Was. The amazing person he was. I still can't comprehend that you know? That he was a great person. That he was my best friend. I can't even say his name, it hurts too much. It all hurts. It should've been me. It should have been none of us. I could've saved him. El could have saved him. Any of us could have saved him. But we didn't and what hurts the most is all the things he could have done. He was going to be the illustrator to my writer. Me and him. He was going to be things. He was going to see things. He was going to make things. He was going to hear things. Things from me. Things I should've told him before. Before what? I don't even know how it went down. My mind was dazed and it happened so fast. All I could hear was El's scream. It keeps replaying in my head over and over again. His name being yelled over and over again. I looked up to the balcony and saw Jonathan running, Nancy shortly behind. Then I looked straight ahead and there he was. The worst thing of all is I can't even describe the pain I felt when I saw his limp body. It felt like every bad thing that could ever happened to me, happened in that very moment. I saw everyone running to him. The mindflayer had shriveled down and died, taking Will along with him. It was nauseating. I could feel my legs going numb. I wanted to go to him. I wanted to hold his hand. I wanted to feel his cheek. I wanted anything else to happen, but not this. I felt stabbed. Stabbed everywhere, not physically but emotionally. I dropped to my knees and stared at the group surrounding him. "Will, wake up!" El. "Will please!It's me, your brother wake up!"  Jonathan. "Come on man, you gotta talk to us." Dustin. "Jonathan. Jonathan! He's... he's gone." Nancy. I stood up slowly, noticing Lucas walk my way. "He's gone, man."  I put my hands behind my head trying to take it all in. Lucas through his body at me, wrapping me in a tight hug. At some point I eased up and hugged back. The day when they found Will's 'body' in the river was the worst day of my life. I didn't think it could get even more awful. Ever since that moment, I had given up. I stopped sleeping. I never ate or drank anything. I cried to the point I couldn't anymore. I hadn't changed my clothes since that night. The worst part of it all is that I never got to tell him. Tell him everything I should have. I didn't hangout with him at all that summer until the party noticed some unusual behavior. I wanted too so badly, but I stopped myself. I made a deal to stop going around him so much because I got this feeling when I was with him. It wasn't a bad feeling, it was kind of nice actually. It took me so long to realize I loved him and I was too late. I knew I hurt him that night in the rain but I couldn't bring myself to admit the truth. I'm pretty sure he felt the same way too. If I would've just told him, maybe things would be better. Or at least he would've known. He could've known if I wasn't such a baby. And I wish I would've just told him how I felt. How bad I loved him. How nervous I got around him. The way he made my blush and how I would go home and think about our days together every night. I new from the second I saw him on the playground that he made me feel special. God, I should've just kissed him right then and there. If only it were that-

"Mike! It's time to go!" My sister shouted up the stairs. I looked in the mirror and fixed my tie. I'm not so sure I'm ready for this.

LMAO YOU CRY BABY I'm kidding I cried while writing this. I'm updating the previous oneshot tomorrow (do you regret? prt 2) so don't attack me for posting this first

Love you all seriously I enjoy writing these for you very much

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