roller rink

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This oneshot is based off that little scene in the new trailer where mike el and will are at the roller rink. Btw if you haven't watched the new trailer it is on the official stranger things account on both youtube and Instagram. Alr let's go

Will thought things had changed since last summer. Ever since they got into that fight outside of Mike's house, he assumed things would get better. That Mike had realized how he made Will feel. He thought the friendship had been restored and there was no more 'ditching him for El' anymore.

Mike had came to visit the Byers for spring break. El and Will decided to take Mike to one of their favorite places ever since they moved. "Rick-o-mania." It was perfect to hangout at, never would be as good as the arcade back in Hawkins, but it sure made up for some thing's.

Right now Mike and El were skating and holding hands while Will awkwardly trailed behind. I probably look so stupid right now, third-wheeling. He decided to go sit down for a little. Maybe get something to eat.

He ordered some fries and sat down, watching everyone. A few seconds later Mike walked over to his table, sticking his hands out for balance. When he arrived, he was out of breath. "Holy shit." He huffed. "El is going way to fast." Will laughed.

"Where is she?" He asked. Mike nodded in the other direction. "Bathroom." He said, taking some of Will's fry's. "Why are you sitting out here and not skating?" Mike asked. Will shrugged. "I don't know, just felt awkward I guess." He replied.

Mike sat up and realized. "Oh, we're we not including you? Im really sorry I just got caught up I didn't realize." Will shook his head. "No no you're fine. I get it. You want to spend time with your girlfriend." He said. Mike looked sad.

"But I also want to spend time with my best friend." Mike said, standing up. "Want to go skate?" He asked. Will nodded and they both got out there. "So anybody new I should know about?" Mike said having to speak a little louder cause of all the noise. Will gave him a look. "Like new friends? Bullies? Maybe more than friends?"

Mike laughed and so did Will. "No new friends or more than friends. Maybe some new bullies but that's it." He said. "Damn." Mike said. "What do they do?" He asked. "I don't know just stupid stuff. They aren't as bad as Troy though. Yet." He said.

Mike frowned. The two boys continued skating. All of a sudden Mike tripped and almost fell but grabbed Will's hand. As soon as he caught his balance again, he let go. Luckily the hand-holding only lasted two seconds and nobody else saw. "Sorry." Mike gave an awkward laugh. Will shrugged it off and skated a little faster.

"Look I know you and El have been skating here everyday since you moved but I'm still getting used to this." Mike said. Will put his hands to his ears as if to signal he couldn't hear anything. He skated faster.

Will was looking back at Mike laughing when all of a sudden and arm grabbed him. "Will." He turned and saw El on the outside of the rink leaning in to talk to him. "Can we go? My stomach hurts." She said. "Yeah we can leave. You okay?" He asked.

"Yeah I'm good. Can you go get Mike? I'll meet you outside." Will nodded and turned around to see Mike skating towards him. "Everything okay?" He asked. "El's not feeling good. You okay if we leave a little early?" Mike nodded.

The two boys went to go put there skates away. "I kind of have to go to the bathroom." Mike said. "Me too but we have to hurry." Will answered. The two boys went to pee and stepped out to wash their hands. Will rolled up his sleeve which was an instant regret.

Scrapes up and down his arms and bruises everywhere. Mike turned over just in time to see them. "Will, what the hell? What happened?" He asked, grabbing Will's forearm. "Nothing. I told you, it's just the bullies." He said looking up at Mike, his lip quivering, trying not to let a tear fall.

"You said they weren't as bad as Troy! This is worse than Troy! Why didn't you tell me?" He asked. "Why are you yelling at me!?" Will cried back. Mike stumbled back, surprised by Will's sudden outburst. Will hadn't shed a tear yet.

"Woah I'm sorry Will I didn't mean it like that. I was just worried I didn't know things were this bad. Does El know?" He asked. "Nobody does." Will answered. "Who is it?" Mike asked. "Just some guys at school, alright? Can we just go?" Will said stepping passed Mike and walking towards the door.

Mike stepped in front once again blocking Will. His back was against the door, Will a foot away from him. "You don't have to say anything about them. I just want to know why you wouldn't tell me." He said. Will took a step closer and reached for the door handle.

Mike grabbed Will's wrist and kept it from opening the door. "Well for starters you were how many miles away?" Will said. "That is not my fault." Mike said slowly. "Yeah I know, nothings your fault. It never is. It's not your fault we moved. It's not your fault I don't like girls too, huh?" Will said, bringing up a past memory.

Mike's face went blank and he just stood there, still holding Will's wrist. He took a breath like he was going to say something but never did. Will gave a questioning look that said "go ahead, say it." They stood there looking at each, only inches away.

They both knew what Will meant by that. That it was in fact Mike's fault. Neither one of them were going to say anything though. Mike let go of Will's wrist and opened the door. Will stepped out and walked outside to find El.

"Hey, you ready?" He asked. "Yeah what took you guys so long?" She asked. The two boys looked at each other. Both a sad look. "We had to go to the bathroom." Will said, not breaking eye contact. "Yeah a long line, too." Mike said looking down mid-sentence.

Shall I make a part two? 🥸 and this might be real bad cause I'm sooo tired

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