will byers

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Requested by @willthegay and @thegayinmikewheeler   I had so much fun writing this i love it

"It's not my fault you don't like girls!"

Will's head twitched to the side.

Mike felt a sting and let out a short yell. It felt as if he had just been punched across the face. He reached a hand up to feel his sore cheek and bleeding nose.

Will gasped and his hands shot up to his mouth. "I'm sorry." He let out a muffled whisper. It was quiet but Mike could still make out what he was saying.

He looked at Will, confused. "Will did you punch me? I- I didn't see your arm move?" Mike asked. He stared at Will, still holding his face.

"No- no I didn't mean to. I swear it wasn't on purpose. I didn't mean to." Will said, a single tear falling from his eye. Mike looked at Will, wondering why he was freaking out.

"Hey, calm down. You're freaking me out. What happened?" He said. Will's hands slowly fell to his side and he took a deep breath. He stared at Mike hoping he wouldn't hate him after this.

Will's arm reached towards a flower pot in the corner of the porch. The droopy flowers slowly started to rise up. Mike turned from the flowers to Will. His eyes went wide.

"You have powers!" He whisper-yelled. Will turned and gave Mike a pitiful smile. "How?! And when? And why didn't you tell me?" Mike said, grabbing Will's hands and inspecting them.

"It's not something you can physically see, Mike!" Will said, yanking his hands away.

"And I don't know how it happened. I think I got them after being in... in the upside down. And I didn't even figure out until I went back to school."

"You've known since eighth grade?!" Mike whisper-yelled yet again. Will sighed and continued.

"I was at school and Troy was messing with me like always. And I pushed him, but not with my hands. It's like I could see it happening in my head and then- it just happened. It wasn't a hard shove, he just stumbled into the lockers but I was still like... almost- scared of myself. I felt horrible even if it was Troy and I was scared. I didn't want anyone to look at me any differently then they already were. Especially you. You treated me like I couldn't fend for myself. And I haven't told anyone about this. So you absolutely cannot tell a single soul. I don't want to go through what El did. I don't want to be an experiment."

Mike nodded. "Will I swear I won't tell anyone. Plus, you know... maybe we could figure this out together? I could help you, like, contain it? I'm not sure how this works really."

Will laughed. "Sure, you can help me contain it." He said making finger quotes during the last part. He looked up at Mike smiling until he saw the blood.

"Oh shit. You're uh-" Will said pointing to Mike's nose. Mike reached a hand up to touch the blood. "Oh yeah. Help me clean it up? You kind of owe me." Mike said, smirking.

The two boys went inside. Will grabbed an ice pack out of the freezer and followed Mike into the bathroom. He shut the door behind them while Mike looked for the first aid kit. Once he did, he handed it to Will and hopped up to sit on the counter.

Will wrapped the ice pack in a thin towel and held it up to Mike's cheek. "Hold this up here."

Mike held the ice pack as Will searched through the kit. "I'm really sorry." Will said.

"For what? Don't be sorry. I totally deserved that. Especially after what I said."

Will gave a short laugh. "You're not wrong though."

"Not wrong about what?"

"I don't like girls, Mike."

"Oh." Mike said. He sat there for a second.

"Yeah." Will said, still searching through the kit.

"Why- why'd you tell me?"

"I have two things that I swore to never tell anyone. You already found out one thing. Might as well get the other off my chest."

Mike nodded but deep down he wanted Will to not like girls for a different reason. He didn't know why though.

Will found some tissues and began to take them out of the package when he looked up.

"Mike, you have to hold it right here or else it won't help." He laughed. Mike, who had been staring, snapped out of it when Will put his hand over his own and held the ice pack where it should be.

Mike felt his face go red as their hands were touching. Luckily he just got punched in the face.

"Okay I'm gonna wipe the blood off now." Will said, putting the tissue up to Mike's face. He began to wipe the blood but felt Mike's eyes on him. He looked up, making eye contact. Their hands still touching over the ice pack.

They were so close to the point Mike stopped breathing. Will was nervous of course but he was always nervous around Mike, this was nothing new. He shyly looked back down to his nose.

A few seconds went by and he found himself looking back up at Mike's eyes. To no surprise, Mike was looking back as well.

The two boys sat there, so close, it would be easier to just connect their lips than pull away. Will was breathing heavily, Mike not breathing at all. He was tired of the games.

Mike closed his eyes and placed his lips on Will's. Almost immediately after, Will took the ice pack out of Mike's hands and placed it on the counter.

Mike was in heaven. The only thing he knew is that this should feel wrong. He should feel disgusted.

But it felt amazing. To kiss someone other than El. To kiss a boy. To kiss Will. He felt no wrong in doing this.

Will made sure to place his hand on the cheek that wasn't bruised. Mike had both hands wrapped around Will's neck.

They both pulled away gasping for air. Mike started laughing. "What? What could you possibly be laughing at right now?" Will said, trying not to laugh himself.

"I'm just, I'm surprised. I just kissed Will Byers." Mike paused. "And I liked it. When my whole life I've been told it was bad. But it was... it was good."

Will laughed as well.

"What's so funny in here?" Nancy, said swinging the door open.

She saw Mike sitting on the counter and Will right in front of him.

"Two nosebleeds?" She asked.

Will looked confused until he raised a hand up to his nose. Once he realized he brought the other hand up so Nancy couldn't see. He turned away in embarrassment.

Mike was smiling.

Nancy's eyebrows raised and she finally realized. "Oh- oh okay."

Once Nancy shut the door Mike started laughing. "It's not funny!" Will said turning towards him.

"It's kind of funny." Mike said pulling Will into his chest and holding him tight as the two boys laughed.

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