friday night party

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I PROMISE ILL MAKE A PART TWO TO THE LAST STORY!! I just wanted to make this one first. In this story the events of season 3 never happened. Hopper is still alive and Mike and El are not together.

Will sat at the front door of this huge house he has never been too. Mike somehow convinced him to come to this party. It was Friday night and Will had planned to sit inside with his mom and watch movies. If it hadn't been for Mike's consistent begging, he would be doing that exact thing.

Will didn't really know how parties worked. He's never been to one and wasn't planning on it until today at lunch. That's when Mike had convinced him to come. It wasn't easy, both boys were stubborn. Will had refused to say yes, and well, Mike refused to take no for an answer. That is until Will finally caved and agreed to going, only if Mike stayed with him. They decided to meet there and since Will hadn't seen Mike yet, he hopped out of his car and made his way to the front door.

The party was at some basketball players house. Will didn't even know his name, which is the exact reason he thought it was so ridiculous for his presence at this party. "Hey! You ready?" A voice came from behind. The one and only. Will was surprised he could hear Mike over the loud music and the hundreds of people talking. It may not have been one hundred but hey, it was Will's first party, it sure felt like it. Will took a deep breath and nodded slowly. "Let's get this over with." He said. Mike smiled to show his appreciation that Will was here. He opened the door and let Will walk through first.

The house smelled of beer and there were people dancing all over. If you even wanted to call it dancing. Almost everyone had a cup in their hand, dancing the night away. He could handle this, right? Mike came up from behind and whispered in his ear. "Just follow me, okay?" He said and began walking slowly, making sure Will was following.

Will glanced over to see a guy throwing up in the sink. He tapped Mike's shoulder and nodded to the guy who continued to throw up. "If you end up like that tonight, I'm calling your mom and making her come down here to get you in front of everyone." He said. Mike looked up to see the guy and laughed slightly. "I promise I won't be that bad. A couple drinks, that's all." He said. "A couple?! How about one?" Will freaked. Mike brushed it off and continued through the crowd.

Will followed like a lost puppy and just couldn't wait for it to be over. They reached the counter where there was a tiny bit of elbow space. A couple of girls gave Will a bizarre look, probably because he's never been the one to party. "Do you want one?" Mike asked. Will quickly shook his head when he saw what Mike was asking about. A drink. Will wouldn't be caught dead with a drink in his hand at this age. Heck, Joyce would find some sort of way to bring him back to life just so she could kill him herself.

"Suit yourself." He shrugged and chugged what was in the cup. "Michael!" Will said yanking the cup out of his hand and slamming it on the table. "That's what you're supposed to do!" Mike exclaimed. "Yeah if you wanna end up like the guy we saw earlier. Take it easy." Will said giving Mike a look. Mike sighed and leaned against the counter. "Ladies!" The two boys heard a familiar voice from behind. Lucas Sinclair. One of Will's absolute best friends. He was always more outgoing and extroverted than the Byers boy but they still got a long just fine.

"Wheeler?" Max questioned. "What's with the whole drink chugging thing. I saw you just a second ago while waiting for Lucas to get out of the bathroom." She asked. "He's being irresponsible." Will said. Mike just rolled his eyes. "Was not. Will's just acting like my mom." Mike said giving Will a slight punch to the shoulder. The two boys laughed. "I'm with Will on this one." Dustin joined in. "Me and him are going to be the ones having to drag you three out of here so you don't pass out in the bathroom." He finished. El still wasn't allowed to go out because of Hopper.

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