dancing in the rain

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Okay in this story Mike and Will are the same age as they were in season 3. Although, none of the stuff from season 3 happened. Hope you enjoy!

"Will come on! It will be fun!" Mike begged. "No. No way, Mike. You're crazy!" Will said looking down at his drawing. The two boys were sitting in Mike's bedroom. Will was drawing something and Mike was across the room messing around with a ball. It was around 1 am but the boys could not sleep. Mike grabbed the drawing out of Will's lap.

"Hey!" Will yelled reaching to get it back. Mike held it up as high as he could. "I'll make you a deal. If you can reach your drawing, then we can stay here. If you can't, then we go with my idea and sneak out." Mike said. Will sighed. "You know I can't reach it. You're like a whole foot taller than me." He said.

Mike smiled. "Do you except the challenge?" He said, speaking as if he was a prince. Will stared at Mike for a second. He was staring right back, a smirk spread out across his face. Will began to jump, trying to reach his sketch pad. After a couple of tries he sighed and gave up.

"Looks like we're heading out, Byers!" Mike smiled tossing the sketch pad onto his bed. "You're a lunatic." Will said. Mike walked to his closet and grabbed a sweatshirt. He handed it to Will and began searching for another one for himself. "You know you love me." Mike said.

Will was lucky that Mike was turned around so he couldn't see him blushing. "Whatever, Wheeler." Will said punching him in the arm. Mike shook it off and began walking to the door. "Put your sweatshirt on." He said. Will put on the sweatshirt and was instantly met with the soft scent of Mike Wheeler.

He loved the feeling of wearing Mike's hoodies. They made him feel safe and warm. The two began walking out into the hallway. "It's way too big!" Will whisper-yelled. Mike turned around and looked him up and down. He then shrugged his shoulders. "It's fine. You look adorable anyways!" Mike said pinching Will's cheeks.

Will slapped the taller boys hand away and gave a disgusted look. "Don't do that." He said. "Okay, come on." Mike said grabbing Will's arm and walking down the hall. Suddenly, Nancy's bedroom door swung open. "What the hell are you two doing?" She asked. She was wearing a night gown. Even though she just woke up she still looked like a goddess.

Oh shit. Will thought for sure they were done for. He knew Nancy was going to tell Mrs. Wheeler. However, the two Wheeler siblings seemed to play it off like a normal thing. "We're we really being that loud?" Mike asked. Nancy crossed her arms and nodded. "Sorry." Mike said. The girl rolled her eyes and shut the door.

"Okay let's go." Mike said, grabbing Will's arm and pulling him down the stairs. They quietly opened the front door and stepped out onto the porch. "It's raining!" Will shrieked. "It will make it even more fun!" Mike beamed. He lightly slapped Will on the arm and started running. "Catch me if you can!" Mike yelled.

"You're dead, Wheeler." Will said and began running. The two were laughing so hard as they ran down the empty street. The dim streetlight being the only thing that was allowing the two boys to see. Will had almost caught up to Mike before he made a quick turn and ran into the woods.

Will gulped, standing in the middle of the street. The last time he ran into the woods... well, it wasn't good. He stood there, rain pouring down on him. He finally gained the courage to start walking towards the woods. When he reached the first tree he started shouting. "Mike!" He screamed. Nothing. Will cupped his hands around his mouth. "Mike!" He shouted once more. He was no where to be found.

Suddenly, Will heard something jump out behind him. "Boo!" It shouted. Will didn't even get the change to turn around before he jumped and started to fall. Luckily Mike was right there behind Will to catch him. Although Mike did catch Will, he wasn't so stable himself. After grabbing Will, he fell to the ground and  landed on his back. Will had landed on Mike too. They were both facing up towards the sky.

"What the hell!" Will yelped and turned to hover over whatever just scared the shit out of him. The rain was making his vision blurry but once he could get a good look he realized that it was the one and only Mike Wheeler. Will froze. He was on top of Mike. He couldn't do anything but sit and stare at the boy below him.

"Whatcha lookin at, Byers?" Mike laughed. Will broke out of his gaze. "N-nothing." He said. "You're lying. You were staring right at me." Mike smiled. It's like he was trying to make Will more nervous. "No I wasn't." Will argued. Mike made a face that told Will he was thinking. "Yeah. I think you were." Mike replied. Will rolled his eyes.

"So, are you just going to stay on top of me?" Mike asked, laughing a bit. Will began to get off of Mike. "Right. Sorry. I-" "Or we could stay like this. I don't mind." Mike said. Will was shocked. He didn't know what to think after Mike said that. He was confused but, not for long. Mike began to lean in. Holy shit. Holy shit. Holy shit. What is happening right now?

Will couldn't take it anymore. He threw himself off of Mike and landed on his back right next to the boy. Mike sat up and looked down at Will. "Woah are you okay?" He asked. Will sat up as well. "We're you going to do it?" He asked looking down. "Do what?" Mike asked, trying to act oblivious. He knew what Will was talking about but he wouldn't admit it. Not if Will didn't want to kiss him back.

"You know." Will said. "I really don't." Mike laughed. Will laughed as well. "Micheal! You know what I'm talking about! Stop playing dumb." He squealed. "William. I really don't know what you're talking about. Just tell me." Mike replied. Mike started to scoot closer and Will froze. His breath hitched. "Y-you umm. You w-were..." Will trailed off. He looked down and could feel his face turning a bright red.

Mike lifted Will's chin up with his finger. He looked straight into the beautiful hazel eyes of his. "You mean this?" Mike said before connecting there lips. It was a little before Will snapped back into reality and realized Mike Wheeler was kissing him. He started to kiss back before the two boys pulled away at the same time.

"Y-yeah. That's- that's what I meant." Will said, his face going even redder than before. Mike laughed and stood up. He held out a hand for the smaller boy to grab a hold of. "C'mon. It's getting kind of cold. We should go dry off." He said. Will nodded and grabbed a hold of Mike's hand.

They started walking. Once they made it out of the woods Mike interlocked their fingers and Will placed his head on Mike's shoulder. Once they finally reached the Wheeler's household they opened the door and was met with a very angry mother. "Where were you two? I was so worried!" She yelled.

Mike and Will looked at each other and couldn't help but laugh. "Oh whatever! I'll deal with you two in the morning because I'm super tired. Go upstairs and dry off now. Do not leave this house." She said. The boys ran upstairs giggling. Karen began walking back to her room but she couldn't help but wonder. Why were they holding hands? What could they have possibly been doing that was so funny?

I got this idea from my friend Jupiter! I posted on my close friends story on my main and they slid up and gave me this idea. I kind of added my own twist but props to them! Hope you enjoyed!

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