Roller rink prt 3

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I don't have an intro this time enjoy

El scraped the plate with her fork. "El." Joyce said, a stern tone. El looked up and saw her moms face. She looked back down. "Sorry." She said. "But they've been gone for a while. Why can't you just tell me what happened Jonathan?" She asked.

"It's not my place to tell." He said, standing up and placing his plate in the sink. "Fine." El slammed her hands on the table and ran upstairs. Jonathan leaned on the counter, looking from his mom to Argyle. He sighed.

"Okay?" Joyce said. Jonathan looked up confused. "She means tell us what happened, dude." Argyle said. He grabbed his drink and sat down as if he was about to watch a movie. Jonathan sighed once more.

"I'm not really sure. I was just walking into the house and I saw Will all upset then I turned and Mike was running after him so I asked what happened and he said they got in a fight." He took a breath. "And I guess when they were talking about it Mike tried to kiss him."

Both listeners eyes went wide. "Hold on." Joyce said, sticking out her hand. "Mike Wheeler? Tried to kiss our Will?" She asked. "Holy shit." Argyle said, taking a sip of his drink. Jonathan nodded. "I thought he was," she paused and lowered her voice. "I thought he was dating El?" She whispered.

Jonathan shrugged. "You don't know?" Joyce asked. He raised his arms as if he was surrendering. "I thought he was too! All Mike said is that he tried to kiss Will and he needed to go sort things out!" Jonathan whisper yelled.

"What?" El asked, stepping into the room. She had previously been sitting at the bottom of the stairs listening, only for a few seconds. "Mike tried to kiss Will?" Jonathan looked down, keeping to himself. Argyle turned around and just looked at El.

"Honey I'm sure it was just a misunderstanding." She ran over to hug El, who just stood there and did not hug back. "Oh thank god." She laughed into the hug. "I was so scared to tell him I didn't like him. But if he likes Will then I won't have to."

"Mike likes Will?" Argyle asked. "We don't know that." Jonathan said, irritated. "He tried to kiss your little brother dude. It sounds like he likes him." He drew a heart in the air with his two pointer fingers. "Whatever. Wait- you don't like Mike?"

"No. I love Mike but- I just, I don't want to kiss him. If that makes any sense." She said. "That makes sense." Joyce said, squeezing her tighter. All you could hear was the sound of Argyle slurping his drink.

He ran up the road, following Will. "Will listen please." The smaller boy kept walking. "I'm sorry I tried to kiss you!" This got his attention. Will turned around and Mike stopped running before he ran into Will. "Don't be so loud." Will said looking around.

"That's what you're worried about right now? Seriously?" Mike asked. "Yes that's what I'm worried about!" Will whisper yelled. "Listen I don't care if people heard that I just want to ta-"

"Yeah well I do care." Will said.

The sun shown down on the two boys. Will put his hand up to block the sun and look at Mike. He was squinting. "Can we go sit under that tree? Get some shade?" Mike asked, pointing. Will wanted to laugh, but he didn't. Mike could tell.

Once they sat down Mike sighed. "I don't know why I did that." Mike said. He turned to look towards Will, who stared down at the grass. "Did you actually want to?" He looked up. "Did you actually want to kiss a boy? A boy?"

"In that moment? Yes. But it's because it was you. I don't think I'd want to kiss any other guy." Mike said. This conversation wasn't too difficult to ease in to. It seemed to be going pretty well. Mike wasn't having a hard time sharing his feelings, that was good right?

"So you don't like boys?" Will asked. Mike shook his head and the other boy looked down. "But I like you." He said. Will sat for a second. "You can't say that." He said. Mike looked confused and Will continued. "You don't mean it. I know you don't. You just said you loved El like 5 minutes ago!"

"Yeah I love El but not in the same way I love you." Will started to get up. Mike got on his knees as fast as he could and grabbed his hands before he was able to move. "Don't lie to me like that." Will said.

"Will I swear I am not lying." Will jerked his hands away. "If I was lying I wouldn't have tried to kiss you earlier and I wouldn't have said what I did last summer. I screwed everything up when I said that. And I am so sorry. But now I am trying to apologize and you have to listen." He began to cry.

The two boys just looked at each other. A tear fell from Will's eyes. "I'm sorry." He said. Mike looked confused. "For- for what?" He asked. "For caring so much. I shouldn't have made it a big deal when you said that." He spilled out.

"What? No, you had every right to be upset." Mike sat down once again next to Will. The smaller boy leaned his head back against the tree. "Shit Mike, we really messed things up." He said. "But we can fix it." Mike said taking Will's hand.

"You're not going to try and kiss me again are you?" Will laughed, then stopped. "Too soon?" Mike gave him a slight push and laughed as well. They both leaned their heads back on the tree and looked at each other.

Mike smiled. "Your eyes are really pretty." He said. "Your smile is really pretty." Will answered. He leaned his head on Mike's shoulder. Mike laid his head on top of Will's, hands still together.

In a perfect world they would stay like that forever. It's not a perfect world though, is it?

No kiss at the end of this one bc their love can be proven without kissing. Like a cute little snuggle under a tree. Also kind of sad ending ngl sorry for that

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