jonathan byers

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Jonathan Byers had one best friend, and one best friend only. The only person in the entire world he fully trusted. This person made him smile and laugh, they spent all their afternoons together.

So that's why when Jonathan got home from school, the first thing he always did was go to check on Will. Normally Mike came over after school and the three boys would spend some time together, playing games, reading comics, listening to music.

He walked down the hallway only to hear faint music playing from his brothers room. He slowly opened the door and the music got louder. His eyes wandered to the bed where he found...

Oh shit. Mike on top of Will? And they were kissing? Not even kissing, a full on make out session?

Will slid out from under Mike and sat up right as Jonathan shut the door. Mike finally realized what happened as he jumped up as well.

"Shit! It's past 4, we lost track of time!" Will whisper-yelled to Mike, who didn't know what to say so he kept his mouth shut.

Jonathan waited a few seconds to knock on the door. Once he did there was a quiet "Come in." from who he assumed was Will.

Jonathan slowly opened the door and walked in. Mike and Will sat next to each other. So close, their legs were touching.

The older boy took a chair out from under Will's desk and sat down. "So umm..." Jonathan said but paused. He turned around and shut off the music. "Jonathan we don't have to make this awkward. We could just go about our day and pretend nothing happened." Mike said.

"You want me to pretend I didn't just see the boy my little brother has been in love with since kindergarten on top of him and making out?" Mike's eyes went wide, then he started laughing.

Will groaned and put his face in his hands, falling backwards on the bed. "Awww Will. You've liked me since Kindergarten? That's adorable." Mike said, lying down next to Will.

"Jonathan you suck." Will said, his voice muffled because his face was still in his hands. Jonathan smiled awkwardly. "Sorry." He laughed.

The two boys sat up and Mike wrapped his arm around the smaller boy. Jonathan stopped smiling as if he was thinking.

"Hey guys. Ummm, so you aren't like..." Jonathan trailed off. Mike and Will raised their eyes in confusion. "You aren't like- well- you guys are being safe right?"

Mike turned to look at Will. "Ew no Jonathan! It's not like that at all." Will said putting his face in his hands once more. "I'm sorry! I don't want to embarrass you guys but I just needed to check."

"No it's fine. We're not embarrassed at all." Mike laughed, taking Will's hands off his face. "Right Will?"

"Totally not." Will said and all three of them started laughing. "Okay I will leave you two alone." Jonathan said, standing up.

"No you don't have to leave." Will said. "I don't want to be a third wheel all night." Jonathan replied. They heard a knock at the front door. Jonathan gave a look.

"No worries. Because I..." Mike said hopping out of bed and heading to the bedroom door. "Invited my sister to come hangout with us." He said slipping out of the bedroom.

Jonathan turned to Will. "You did not." Will stood up to grab Jonathan's arm. "Look, I know you think she doesn't like you but she does! So just relax and have a nice night. We're going to make popcorn and watch a movie. It will be fun."

The brothers walked out to the living room to see Nancy taking off her jacket. They had what seemed to be an awkward interaction but things blew over fast. All four of them had sat on the couch enjoying the movie.

"I'm gonna go make popcorn. Come with?" Will whispered, placing a hand on Mike's thigh. The two boys left, earning a look from both Jonathan and Nancy.

Once they got into the kitchen Will started talking. "They're cute." He said. Mike nodded. "So are we." He said, kissing Will on the cheek. They continued making popcorn and walked back into the living room.

Both older siblings had been laughing. Will smiled to himself. Jonathan found someone who made him happy. Will found someone who made him happy. He didn't think anything could get better.

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