"can we talk?"

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The moment the whole party had been dreading since they first found out about the horrible news three months ago, had finally arrived. The Byers we're moving away. Far away. The moving trucks were parked in the long, bumpy driveway. Jonathan, Will and Nancy had been carrying some boxes to load up. This wasn't what was supposed to happen.

      Everything happened so fast. One minute everyone was saying goodbye to the Byers and the next they were in a car headed to their new home. Their new life. Mike couldn't bare the thought of starting a new life without the Byers. El was his first girlfriend. He'd always have a special place in his heart for her. Jonathan was like an older brother to Mike, Joyce like his second mother. And Will, well, Will certainly meant a lot to Mike. He just didn't know in what way.

      What remained of the party sat in the Byers driveway, watching them head off. They all kept it together in front of each other, but inside they were falling apart. After everything that happened, the six of them couldn't just be separated like this. I mean the shared trauma is almost a sign that they should all be together. I mean, El and Will had been through the most. Tearing them away from their friends was the last thing they needed.

      The first to leave was Max. Then Lucas and Dustin followed, leaving Nancy and Mike at the house that was once so full of life. Full of laughter and love. Now it was just there, as if it were designed for no intention of someone living there. It looked almost... dead. A sad thing to perceive.

      "Bike straight home, okay?" Nancy said, breaking the dreaded silence. Mike just stood there. He still couldn't comprehend his situation. Any of it, all just a blur. "Actually Nance, can we talk?" Mike asked. Nancy nodded, to which Mike backed up and took a spot on the porch.

      He remembered all the times Mike and Will had hugged goodbye here. It warmed him a little on the inside. Nancy followed Mike and took a seat next to him. "Listen," she said, "I know how difficult this is, loosing your girlfriend and your best friend at the same time, bu-" Mike interrupted. "She's not my girl friend." Nancy looked confused for a second but soon continued.

      "Right. Sorry. As I was saying, I know it's hard and if you need anything, anything at all I'm here." It was nice to know that despite the constant arguments she still cared deeply about him. "I never got to tell him." Mike breathed out. Half wanting to get it off his chest and half hoping Nancy didn't hear him and they could continue on with their day.

      "Hm?" Nancy asked. "Do you remember that night, a couple days after Will went missing? We sat in your room and talked?" Nancy nodded and Mike continued. "Do you remember how I said that he um, well, Will, that I said he was..." Mike paused to take a breath. He didn't know if Nancy still remembered, or even got the hint. "Pretty." He said. "I said he was pretty."

Nancy smiled, "Of course I remember." Mike let out a breath he didn't even know he was holding. She didn't seem mad, she almost seemed excited. Mike laughed nervously before continuing. "And i uhh..." Mike rubbed his forehead, frustrated he couldn't get it out already. Obviously Nancy wouldn't care. "I always got this feeling around him. I didn't really know what it meant. I thought I just really liked being his friend. The boy was so caring and sweet. He put everyone else's life before his. He told us to close the gate even though he knew it would kill him, but he just wanted us to be safe for gods sake! He is wonderful. The way he always bit his lip when trying to focus on his drawing. Or the way he tried so hard to make a good breakfast but always ended up burning something."

      Nancy's smile began to grow. She could tell what her brother was trying to say. She knew for a long time how Mike felt about Will. Let's just say it took Mike a little longer to find out. She sat there and listened to Mike talk about Will. How when he laughs so much he gets hiccups. Or when he is nervous he'll squeeze your arm.

      "He was just so nice to me. I was a jerk to him. I should've done better. I wish I could've told him. I wish I could've told him about every thing. Like how I felt, because I-" Mike choked on those last few words. He couldn't get it out. "I umm, what I mean is  I..." he grunted in frustration. "I- Nancy is it okay for one boy to like another boy?" He finally spit out. Not exactly what he was going for, but it's something.

      Nancy let out a short laugh. "Yes, Mike. Is there something you would like to say?" She asked, smirking. Mike gave her a slight punch in the arm. "I'll get there when I get there." Mike sighed, but continued. "When we were younger, Will and I kissed." Mike put it simple. "Micheal Wheeler!" Nancy said, adding a gasp for effect.

     "Calm down. We were like 6. But I still remember it to this day. I wonder if he does too. We both fell to the ground laughing afterwards. Then we never said anything about it since then. Maybe he forgot. But when I kissed him, I got this weird feeling. I even told mom that I maybe liked him. She said he was cute and didn't blame me. Ever since then I always got that feeling. It never went away. Even when our hands would just slightly brush or when he would look straight at me and smile during dnd games. It never made sense." Mike said, tears swelling in his eyes.

      Nancy leaned over to give him a side hug. She rubbed his arm to let him know it would all be okay. "I never knew why I got that weird feeling and when I did get it, I just pushed it deep down. Then El and I got together and I still got that feeling. I thought being with El would get rid of it. It was still there. And it's not until a couple of months ago after we defeated the mind flayer that I realized. I should've told him, Nance." Mikes tears started to pour down his cheek now.

      "I love him." Mike said. The words sounded broken. Like he wasn't able to get them out the right way. They were quiet and croaky. Nancy knew what Mike was trying to say this whole time. She just sat there and listened, still hugging Mike. That's all she could think of to do in this situation. Mike buried his head in Nancy's shoulder and let it all out. "I love him and I never got to say anything."

      The two sat there hugging each other. That is until they heard a low rumble coming from the top of the driveway. Jonathan's car hobbled it's way down the gravel and screeched when it came to a stop. Will popped out of the car and walked towards the two. You could see his tear stained face. "We forgot a bag in the bathroom." Will paused for a second, deciding if he should ask Mike what was wrong or act like he didn't see anything. "Are.. you okay?" Will asked.

      Mike looked up and tried to hide the fact that he had been crying over Will for the past 5-10 minutes. "What? Yeah I'm fine. I'm good." Mike replied. "Okay, I'll be right back." Will said and slipped right past the two, into the house. "I'm gonna go talk to Jonathan and you," Nancy said placing a hand on Mike's shoulder. "Be honest with him." She said sternly. Mike nodded and sat down to wait for Will. He was beyond nervous.

      He heard the door open and turned around to see Will stepping out. Mike stood up and faced him. "Well I'll see you over breaks, okay? And I'll call everyday." Will said. "Actually Will, can we talk? Just for a second, it won't take that long." Mike reassured. Wills face turned a bright shade of red, the way it always does when he's nervous. Will nodded to signal Mike to keep going.

      That's when Mike couldn't handle himself. Staring down at Will's beautiful hazel eyes was enough for him to completely freeze up. "Mike? What's wrong? Are you okay?" Will asked. "I-" Mike tried to spit out before Will basically through himself at him. Will didn't know what was wrong with Mike but he did know that a hug would make everything better. So they sat there, hugging each other for the longest time.

hahaha cliffhanger....

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