Steve Harrington

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Idk why but I felt like writing a oneshot with Steve and Will because I thought they would be a good duo. Anyways
Everything happened, the time is set in those 3 months between the battle of star court and the Byers moving.

Today Nancy and Jonathan decided to take Will out. The couple had been sitting in the living room watching a movie and realized Will was in his room, by himself. They felt bad and well, here we are.

Right now the Byers and Nancy had just gotten ice cream and they were driving around to find something else to do. "Oh! We could go see Robin and Steve at the movie store!" Jonathan said. Nancy jumped in her seat. "Yes! I need to talk to Robin about my first day of school outfit." She said.

Jonathan took a few turns and they ended up in the parking lot. Hawkins wasn't huge, it wasn't that hard. They walked into the store to see Steve looking at some movies and Robin helping an elderly couple. "Is this all for you guys today?" She asked. The couple said yes and she handed the bag over.

"Alright, have a good day." She said, turning her head to see Nancy. "Nancyyyyy. Thank god you're here. I'm literally so bored and Steve just likes to look at the new movie shipments we get. Never helps." Nancy laughed and they walked to the back talking.

Another costumer walked in with her daughter, making the little bell that alerts workers when people walk in ring. "Steve will you get that?" Robin shouted right before she hit the "employees only" door. Will turned his head to see Karen with Holly.

"Oh, hey Mrs. Wheeler." Will said. "Oh Will. Hi honey! I haven't seen you in forever. You should really come over more often." She said.

Will didn't know if she knew about the fight, he thinks no. But also Karen has always been the most hospitable person he knew. Always letting the party stay over, it was just her thing. Steve saved Will from an awkward conversation, putting himself into an even more awkward conversation.

"How can I help you, ma'am?" He said. Karen looked up. "Oh hello Steve. Is Nancy around?" She asked. "Um I think she's in the back talking to Robin. Yeah?" He said asking for clarification from Jonathan, who was turned looking at some movies.

He slightly turned his head and nodded. Steve looked back to Karen. "I suppose she is." He said. "Alright. All we need is to return this movie." She said. "Okay, you're all set. Have a good day." He said and Karen walked out the door.

"That was awkward." Will said, stepping behind the counter and taking a seat in the rolly chair. He continued licking his ice cream. "Why haven't you been to Mike's house in a while?" Steve asked. "Me and Mike got into a little argument about a month ago." Will answered.

"About?" He asked. "I was just tired of him ditching me for El all the time. I walked outside to leave and we started arguing some more and he said I didn't like girls or something and now here we are." Will said looking down at his ice cream. He no longer had an appetite.

Steve sat up on the counter. "Woah dude are you serious?" He said. Will nodded. He got up to toss his ice cream in the trash and sat back down. "I would've eaten it." Steve said. "Shut up." Will said and they both giggled.

"Is it true though?" Steve asked. "What? Now you're asking me? What the heck Steve." Will said. "It's okay you know. Robin is gay. Everybody here is happy for her. They'd all be happy for you too." Steve said. "Jonathan already knows. And most likely Nancy too." Will shrugged.

"Does Nance know about your fight with him?" Will shook his head. "Okay, don't hate me for asking this but, do you maybe like Mike?" Steve asked. "Was it not obvious?" Will said, laughing. "Well I didn't know." Steve said.

Jonathan walked over. "Are we talking about my brother having a crush on Mike?" He asked, ruffling Will's hair. "Jonathan!" Will said, slapping his older brothers hand away. Jonathan laughed and said, "Im gonna go see what the girls are doing." And he did.

Once Jonathan left, Steve looked at Will. "Do you remember when I was an asshole? I made fun of your brother and broke his camera?" He asked. Will nodded, he was confused. "He forgave me. After all that I did and now we're best friends." Will looked at Steve. "So?" He asked. "You remind me of your brother, Will. I'm saying when you forgive him, because I know you will, things will get better. And I'm not saying forgive him and let him get away with everything. Jonathan had me apologize. Now get an apology from him."

"I just don't know if he even wants to talk to me." Will said. "Of course he does! Will, he's your best friend. Things don't just end like that!" Steve said jumping out of his seat.

"Okay, okay." Will said. "I'll talk to him." The other three young adults walked out of the employee door. "Talk to who?" Nancy asked. "Mike." Steve answered for Will. "Oh thank god. All he's been doing lately is complaining because you two got in a fight and he hasn't seen you in forever. He feels really bad."

"Really?" Will asked. Him and Steve walked to the front of the counter and leaned back. "Yeah Will. Quit doubting yourself, let's go. I'll drop you of at Mike's." Jonathan said. Will followed the couple out the door. They all shouted bye and so did the two workers.

Robin walked to the counter and took the place where Will was, next to Steve. She crossed her arms just like his and they both stared at the glass door watching the group leave.

"Mike and Will, huh? I've heard those names a lot. They got something going on?"

Idek what this is I just like writing especially about byler yeah

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