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The party was sitting in Mike's basement hanging out. "Mike truth or dare." Lucas said. "Dare." Mike said. "I dare you to kiss the prettiest person in the room." Lucas answered. Mike looked around and he chose...

LMFAO I GOT YOUUUU JUST KIDDING THATS SO CRINGE IK WERE ALL GETTING FLASHBACKS FROM POBAW I just wanted to mess with you guys I would never write that. Anyways here's the ACTUAL oneshot:

This is set kind of in season 4. Just think of it at some point after the Byers left

"Hey man what's up." Mike said stepping aside and letting Lucas in. They were hanging out and it was just the two of them since Dustin was with Steve. "Not much, glad to be here though. Erica is on my nerves."

Holly came running in. "Lucas!" She said, jumping up and clinging on to his side. "I'm afraid it's not much better over here." Mike said and they both laughed.

After Holly ran away giggling the two boys headed upstairs to Mike's room. "So how're you and El doing? Anything different since she moved?" Lucas asked, laying down on Mike's bed.

Mike took a seat at his desk. "Nothing really. Same old, same old." He said. Lucas looked down at the pillow he was leaning on. "Dude, why do you have a shirt on your pillow? Lose your pillowcase?" Lucas laughed.

Mike, who was turned around in his desk, went red. He was glad Lucas couldn't see him. He forgot about the shirt and he meant to put it away before his friend got here. His mind started flooding with flashbacks.

"I told you we shouldn't have went Mike." Will yelled over the rain. The two had been previously walking home from the corner store when it started to pour. "How was I supposed to know it was going to rain?" Mike said, tossing his hands in the air. "That's why you should always listen to me."

The two stepped into the house, soaking wet. Mike slipped his shoes off and turned to Will. "I'll go upstairs and get us some dry clothes." He said and then took off. Will stood awkwardly in front of the door.

Nancy walked by taking a sip of water from a glass. When she saw Will she almost choked from laughing. "Do you need-" she said, pointing upstairs. "Mike's got it." Will said awkwardly. Nancy nodded and walked into the living room.

Mike stuck his head down the stairs. "Will! I got clothes!" He yelled through the house. "Okay." Will said and quickly walked upstairs. Once he got into Mike's room, Mike handed him a pile of neatly folded clothes.

"Thanks." Will said, taking the pile. "Yup. I'll go change in the bathroom." Mike said, grabbing his pile. Will sat the clothes down and began to take his jacket off. Only the zipper was stuck and he was unable to get it.

"Wait Mike." Will said. Mike stuck his head back in the room. "Yeah?" He asked. "Will you help me unzip this? The zippers broken." Will asked. Mike laughed and walked over. "Yeah sure."

He reached up to the zipper slowly. Mike tried for a second but couldn't get it. He looked up at Will, who had his hood up. Adorable, not going to lie. Will looked up at him and Mike quickly jerked his eyes back to the zipper.

"Can you get it?" Will said looking down and then back up to Mike. "I'm not sure." Will reached his hand up to mess with the zipper as well. Before Mike could pull his away, their hands slightly brushed.

Mike felt like he was going to pass out and Will looked as calm as ever. How was that possible? "Let me try again." Mike said. He began tugging at the zipper until he caught Will's eyes again.

He stopped trying and dazed off. "Mike are you okay?" Will asked. Holy shit Mike, snap out of it. "Yeah I'm good. I think I almost got it." He tugged a few more times and the zipper came loose. "Thanks." Will said, smiling.

The next day Mike had been in charge of laundry. He was folding clothes and realized Will had left his shirt he had one under his jacket here on accident. Won't hurt to keep for a little while, right?

Fast forward to now and Will's in California and Mike sleeps with that shirt on his pillowcase every night. "Miiiike." Lucas said. "Yeah I just put one of my shirts on there when I couldn't find my pillowcase." Mike quickly thought up a lie.

Lucas laughed. "Don't we all?" He said and started talking about his relationship drama but Mike wasn't listening. Shit that was a close one.

So basically the stuff in italics is in the past. Except for the last sentence.

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