do you regret? prt 1

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This is based off that tik tok audio where it's like "do you regret, the things we shared" yeah yeah yeah. They're like high schoolers in this.

"It's not my fault you don't like girls!" Mike said. The words just seemed to flow right out of him. Like he'd been dying to say that. Like he meant every word of the sentence that just came out of his mouth, which is what Will was the most afraid of.

It is his fault, it is most definitely his fault because if Will Byers never met Mike Wheeler he would very much so be into girls. He would find them cute and talk to them more. People always thought Will never talked to girls because he was too nervous, but he just never felt the need to talk to them.

Because he had Mike. He could talk to Mike. So why would he talk to girls? It was simple. Will was friends with Mike. He was not friends with girls. Fast forward to now, talking to a girl might be a lot easier than talking to Mike.

He wanted to go back. He wanted to go back to the easy days when it was just him and the party. The original party. Things were easy so why did they have to change?. Memories started to flood to Will's head.

"Will calm down! Everything is going to be okay I'm right here." Mike said. Will was having a panic attack. He couldn't breathe and if he did they were short gasps for air. He could tell he was crying but his face was too numb to feel the tears running down his cheek.

"Will listen to me". Mike tried once again. "No Mike! Lonnie just moved out and we're short on money and my mom is so stressed and we might lose our house and-" "Jesus Will would you look at me for a second please?" Mike begged.

Will wouldn't snap out of it. Mike had tried everything. He put his hands on Will's shoulders and face. Nothing. He talked to him. Nothing. He gave him water earlier. Nothing. He tried breathing with him. Nothing. Mike had resorted to one last thing.

Will was freaking out. Shaking and panting as if he had just been chased by multiple killers. Mike's hands grabbed his cheeks. Jesus, doesn't he know that's not helping! I closed my eyes and tried to relax. Then I felt his lips on mine.

Mike kissed Will. He couldn't think of anything else. They stood their awkwardly with their lips on each other's not knowing what to do. Neither of them have ever kissed someone. Mike jumped back and looked at Will. Hey, at least he's not out of breath anymore.

Holy shit. Mike Wheeler was my first kiss. Another memory came to mind.

"Will honey, your mom is going to be out a little later than expected. You can stay with us!" Karen shouted down to the basement. "Okay!" The two boys shouted back in unison.

They looked at each other and laughed. "Wanna call Dustin and Lucas?" Mike asked. "I'm actually kind of tired." Will responded. "Sorry." He said. "No you're fine. We can lay down." Mike said.

Will sprawled out onto the couch while Mike grabbed a blanket from upstairs. Will was almost asleep by the time Mike got back down. He walked over to the couch and laid down next to his friend.

Will rolled over sleepily. "What are you doing?" He asked, giggling. "Well you can't have the whole couch to yourself." Mike laughed. "I thought you were sleeping up in your room." Will said. "No way, but you don't seem to want me here? I guess I'll just leave..." Mike said sitting up. "No! No it's okay." Will laughed.

"Mmhm." Is all Mike said and laid back down. He wrapped an arm around Will and put his head in the crook of his neck. Will doesn't remember Mike ever doing something like this, but he didn't mind. Sort of out of the blue though.

I forgot about that one. The next memory was unforgettable.

"Wheeler! You're up with Byers!" One of the kids yelled. Mike had dragged Will out to this party and now they were playing seven minutes in heaven. Will wasn't really sure how it worked but he was handed a bottle so he spun it.

Once the crowd had pushed Mike and Will into the closet Mike laughed. "What?" Will said, nervous. "Nothing. It's just I never thought I would be locked in a closet with William Byers at some random party with some random people." Will put his hands up and shrugged. "You are the one who dragged me here".

Mike laughed. "I know, I know." He said. "What are you even supposed to in a closet for seven minutes?" Mike raised his eyebrows at Will until he realized what the game was meant for. "Oh! Ew gross! Seriously?" He gagged. "Yeah, everyone does it." Mike said taking a step closer to Will.

Will didn't even notice. "That's so weird." He said. "Yeah. But umm... maybe we could try?" Mike asked. Will opened his eyes wide. "Like make out?" He asked, flustered. "Yeah, I've never done it before." Mike shrugged. "Well, yeah I guess we can but I haven't either so it might be a little weird like I don't even know how to kiss and-" Will was interrupted when Mike grabbed the back of his head gently and threw his lips against Will's own.

They kissed passionately and Will put his hands up to Mike's cheeks one by one. Mike's hands slowly made their way down to Will's waist, pushing him against the wall. Will thought Mike has never made out with someone before. It sure felt like it. They kissed for a little while until Will slowly pushed Mike against the other wall across from them.

"Woah Byers, that was hot." Mike smirked. Will blushed and put his hands on Mike's shoulders. They continued kissing until there was a knock on the door. "Is it pg in there?" Someone asked. Mike put his hands up as if he was surrendering. He leaned down and whispered in Will's ear. "I don't know. Is it?"

"Micheal!" Will said and slapped him in the arm. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding." He laughed at Will.

"Yeah it's pg." Mike laughed and walked out once the door opened up. Will followed behind shyly. People were clapping and laughing like they always did.

The two never spoke of that night again.

That was only a few months ago.

Will snapped out of it. He saw Mike standing in front of him, probably waiting for Will to say something. He noticed it was raining. "I'm leaving Mike." Will began to walk off into the rain. "You can't leave! Don't walk away! I told you it's not my fault you don't like girls! You can't be mad at me!" Mike yelled and began to follow Will.

"I said I'm leaving Mike, don't follow me." Will called over his shoulder. "Sucks then because I'm following you!" Mike said in a sarcastic tone. He caught up to Will. They walked next to each other in the pouring rain not sharing a word. "What's your problem?" Mike finally asked.

"What's my problem?" Will asked in disbelief. "What's you're problem? You're the one being rude." He said. "How?" Mike threw his hands in the air to show he was confused. "It's not my fault you don't like girls." Will said in a stupid tone, mocking Mike. "Real mature." Mike responded.

They kept walking in silence. They were up the road now and there clothes were soaking wet. "Why are you still-" Will began but was cut off. "Is it my fault?" Mike asked. "What?" Will laughed. "Pretty cocky of you to assume that, isn't it?" He joked. "Will I'm being serious." Mike whined.

"Fine. Okay." He stopped in the middle of the road, the middle of the rain and looked at Mike. At this point who really cared. Mike turned also and looked down at Will.

Will, who was staring at his feet, looked up at Mike. "Do you regret the things we shared? Like everything, all of it." Will said referring to the night in the closet. "You might've forgotten but I never forgot. Any of it." He said looking up at Mike.

So basically the part in italics are flashbacks.
1400 words on the dot 🕺🕺

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