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so after the depressing byler scenes we got in volume two i decided why not make some quick little happy stories to cheer you guys up. idk if it will help but i try. they'll only be a few paragraphs but there will be multiple.

Dustin and Lucas

I'll tell Lucas in private. You tell Dustin in private. Just to see how it goes. If they think it's gross we ditch it completely. Got it?

Got it.

Mike and Will invited Dustin and Lucas over to finally tell them what's been going on. They were dating and it was time to let someone know. So why not their best friends?

Will was in a room with Lucas, Mike in a room with Dustin. All four had different feelings about this. Will was about to pass out. Mike had been close to crying twice already that morning. Lucas was suspicious as hell and Dustin? He couldn't be more excited.

"So I know it's kind of weird of us inviting you guys over and then separating the second you get here but um. There's something we really need to tell you. And I really hope you don't hate me after this." Will said, taking a seat next to Lucas on the bed, who was listening intently.

"Alright, I know you're confused but I just have something to tell you. And I'm gonna get right to it because I need to get it off my chest." Mike said, pacing the room. Dustin sat in a chair smiling.

"I like Will. And he likes me." Mike said, letting a deep breath out. Dustin raised his eyebrows. Mike looked at him and then continued. "Oh yeah and we're dating."

"I'm really scared to tell you this cause I don't want to lose one of my best friends but I like Mike. And I know that might be surprising, or maybe not at all, but we're dating."

"Fuck." Lucas breathed out. That's all.

Dustin practically jumped out of the chair. He smiled his great big smile right before jumping into Mike's arms and squeezing him. "I'm so happy for you." Seconds later he rushed out of the room, sprinting down the hallway.

Dustin burst into Will's bedroom door. "Did he tell you?" He squealed. Lucas sighed. "Yes." He rolled his eyes. Mike came running in and stood at the door. "What's going on?"

Lucas stood up and slowly grabbed some money out of his pocket. He counted the dollars and handed some to Dustin.

Will's jaw dropped. "Are you serious?" He asked. Mike was still extremely confused and he just furrowed his brows at the exchange. Dustin happily took the money and twirled around.

Mike made his way over and stood next to Will. "What's going on?" He asked. Will wrapped his arms around Mike's, laying his head on his shoulder. He watched as Dustin continued dancing and Lucas crossed his arms.

"They bet on us." Will said. Mikes jaw dropped just as well. "You guys are crazy. You know that right? You guys are so crazy." Dustin started waving the cash in Mike's face. "And so weird." Mike continued.

"How exactly did you bet on us?" Will asked, his head perking up.

"I thought you'd tell us by the end of the month." Dustin said.

Lucas spoke up. "I thought you would at least wait till summer. You failed me Byers, you failed me."

The room was filled with short laughter.

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