taller and stronger

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Inspired by stanleysblade
Act like season 4 hasn't came out yet :)

Today Mike Wheeler is visiting his friends in California. He feared it might be a little awkward since he had just recently broken up with El due to long distance. It was mutual feeling and yes they're both friends now, but you never know.

It didn't help that the last time he saw his best friend Will Byers they got into a pretty heated fight and still never really resolved the issue. It has been 9 months and although he was nervous, Mike was excited to see his friends.

He was thinking about his trip so much he didn't realize the plane was landing. Once it did, they went through the whole process of grabbing bags and making their way off the plane.

"Mike! Hey man." Jonathan called out. Mike made his way over. "I'm supposed to be telling you that El and Will are at home working on homework but it's spring break. A stupid idea, I know, but they're your friends." Jonathan leaned in to whisper. "They're actually decorating the house, like it's your birthday or something."

Jonathan started to walk, gesturing Mike to follow. "It's uh, not your birthday, is it?" He asked. "No, no." Mike laughed. The two made their way out to the car and began the short drive home.

Once they got home Jonathan called through the house. "We're home!" He yelled and Joyce came in from the kitchen. She gave him a big hug as if he was her own son, which technically he was.

"The kids are so excited to see you. They spent all day decorating." She pointed up to the streamers. "Oh, here. I'll take your bags and put them up in Will's room. Are you okay staying in there?" She asked.

Mike nodded but wasn't really listening because he heard steps running down the stairs. "Mike!" The two siblings yelled at the same time. Will came first and gave Mike a huge hug. Next came El, who did the same.

Mike was barely focused on his hug because he was staring at Will. Holy shit. He changed a lot. Just taller and maybe a little stronger. He was almost taller than me now.

"Do I have something on my face?" Will asked, causing Mike to snap out of it. "What? No, no you just look different. Like way different." Will gave Mike a weird look. "I mean- yeah like you both look so different I guess just so much time has passed."

"In a good or bad way?" El asked, laughing. "A- um, a good way. Yeah... you both look uh, good." Mike said, getting quieter as he continued his sentence. "Okay um, I am going to go finish dinner. El can show you around. Is that okay?"

"Actually I have to go get something from my room for Mike. Jonathan can you show him around please? I'll be quick." Jonathan hopped off the couch and headed upstairs. "Follow me." He said.

Mike followed, waiting till they got out of hearing range. "This first door is my room if you ever need anything. Next door is the bathroom. Then El's, then Will's. Which I believe is where you're staying."

"Hey uh, has Will been like... working out?" Mike asked. Jonathan laughed and choked on thin air. "What?" He said, continuing to laugh. "I'm being serious!" Mike whisper-yelled. "He looks like taller and you know stronger." Mike said making motions with his hands.

"Whatever dude. No he hasn't been working out. Guess it just comes naturally to us Byers." Jonathan said flexing his muscles. "Shut up." Mike said pushing them away. "Dinner!" Will yelled from downstairs.

Joyce came out of Will's bedroom. "I set up an extra mattress in there for you hun. Let me know if you need anything." She said patting his shoulder. "Thank you Mrs. Byers." Mike said and Joyce smiled.

Damn. Just being around this family puts me in a good mood.

Mike took a seat in between Will and El. Joyce, Jonathan and Argyle on the other side of the table. "So Mike, what's new?" Joyce asked. "Oh, I uh joined a club for dnd." Will slammed his hands on the table. "You're joking right?" He said, laughing. "I spent all summer trying to get you to play."

Mike awkwardly scratched his neck and shrugged. "I'm joking." Will said bumping his knee into Mike's. Jesus, he's making me nervous. More than usual. Mike laughed awkwardly, again.

After dinner El went to the stairs and grabbed a bag she had previously brought down from her room. "I don't want to like make this awkward or anything but here's your sweatshirts. I thought you might want them back." Mike heard giggling from behind. Jonathan.

"Thanks. I'm gonna go put this up in Will's room with my stuff." He said and walked upstairs. El turned around and both Will and Jonathan were staring. Jonathan laughing and Will in awe. "You didn't tell me you guys broke up!" Will whisper yelled.

El walked past and grabbed Will's arm, dragging him to the kitchen. They began to clean up the table and help Joyce with dishes. "I'll tell you later. If Mike doesn't before I do." She said. "What's that supposed to mean?" Will asked. "Nothing?" El said, a questioning tone.

"You said it weird." Will said. "No I didn't. But he was kinda... you know, all night!" El said, scrubbing a dish and handing it to Will. "No I don't know." Will said, taking the dish and rinsing it off. "Staring?" Jonathan asked, taking the dish from Will, drying it off and placing it in the cabinet.

El leaned forward to look at Jonathan. She nodded and Will gave them both an annoyed look. "This is your chance Will!" She said. "His chance for what?" Mike said appearing at the kitchen entryway.

All three Byers turned to look at the boy. "Woah. Am I interrupting something?" Mike said. El gave Will a look and grabbed a towel, drying her hands off. "Actually me and Jonathan have something to take care of. Mind helping Will with the rest of the dishes? Promise there's not much."

"Sure!" Mike said rolling up his sleeves. "Great." Jonathan said. El grabbed his arm and began walking away. "I hate you guys." Will whispered as they walked past. Mike joined Will at the sink and began to scrub the last of the dishes.

I'll be making a part two. Happy pride month!

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