maybe shes not the one

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this is based off the scene in s4 (SPOILERS) where mike and will are talking on the hood of the car. they talk about when el and mike got in an argument about mike not being able to say he loves her.

Will looked over to Mike. He looked upset and he knew it was about El. Mike had majorly fucked things up with her earlier. As much as Will liked Mike, he still knew what he did to El was wrong.

He couldn't say I love you. Will understood though, if he's not ready to say it, don't say it. All he had to do was explain that to her. He was sort of being a douche about it.

The whole el you're being ridiculous thing was so annoying. Why does he always act like that? Like other peoples feelings don't matter just because he doesn't notice. Will hated it. He hated even more that he still liked Mike even after all that.

Mike dropped the shovel on the floor and walked over to the hood of the car. He sat down with his face in his hands. Will decided this was his moment to talk, to get Mike to snap out of it. He walked over and took a seat next to the other boy.

"Are you.. okay?" Shit Will, you idiot of course he's not okay. Mike looked up from his hands. "Huh?" He paused for a split second. "Oh- yeah, yeah I'm okay. Why?" He asked. "You just looked a little upset when we were shoveling over there." Will said.

"Well we were burying a dead man's body. So I guess I wasn't thrilled." Mike said and then caught himself. "And I wasn't like trying to be rude. I was joking." Will looked at Mike. "I know it kind of sounded rude. Sorry." He whispered the last part and put his face back into his hands.

Will sighed and shuffled around in his seat. "I uh, I heard you and El talking after breakfast this morning." He awkwardly spit out. "Shit. You heard that?" Mike said turning his head. "Yeah." Will gave a pity nod.

"All of it?" Mike asked. "Just um, just the part about... you uhh, you not saying you love her." Will said making it sound more like a question than a statement. "Are you asking or telling?" Mike laughed. Will gave an awkward smile and noticed Jonathan had joined Argyle in the van.

A few minutes went by and they just sat there. "Do you think we will find out that number any time soon?" Will laughed. Mike looked over to Jonathan and Argyle. He scooted closer to Will and leaned back to whisper while still looking at the two.

"I think they're both high right now so our chances are slim to none." Mike laughed and so did Will. They were only sitting a few inches apart. "Can I ask why?" Will said out of no where. "Ask why I think they're high? It's kind of obvious Will." He said, gesturing to the two.

"No I meant why you never tell El you love her." Will said. "Oh. We're back to that." He paused. "Okay umm." Mike turned towards Will and looked up at the sky, thinking. Their knees were touching but Mike didn't seem to notice. Will pretended not to.

"Have you ever loved someone?" Mike asked. Will almost choked on thin air. "No. Why?" Mike stared at Will for a second, then snapped out of it. "This is going to be hard to explain. I just, I'm going to tell you something and I don't want that thing you do with your eyes, okay?"

"What thing?" Will's face scrunched up. "With your eyes!" Will looked at Mike confused. "Where you just like look at someone and they start spilling everything out to you. And then you can never get the eyes out of your head. That's the thing you do with your eyes. It's like some sort of mind trick or something."

"I do not do that. I'm just looking at you." Will said raising his hands in defense. "You do it to me all the time!" Mike said. "Okay whatever." Will said and Mike sighed.

"You know my parents, they don't really get along. They never have which means they never really said I love you to each other. I know it sounds stupid but I never understood, and still don't now, what love is supposed to look like. And I'm not falling for your tricks and sharing anymore. You get the idea." He said. 

"But I don't understand. You really like her, you hangout all the time and it's like you can't breathe when you're not together. Why can't you say you love her?" Will looked confused.

"I'm not sure she's the one I want to be saying I love you to." Holy shit, Mike thought. That feels so much better, just to get that off my chest. "I feel a lot better." Mike said. He laid his head on Will's shoulder. "I'm sure you do." Will laughed. "Why didn't you just say that in the first place? We could've avoided this whole awkward conversation."

"I didn't think it was awkward. I don't think any of our conversations are awkward. It's easy to talk to you." Mike paused. "I meant what I said earlier. About Hawkins not being the same without you. We miss you. I miss you."

He looked up to Will and smiled. To which Will returned an even bigger smile. They were both smiling like idiots and if Mike hadn't leaned up to get closer to Will's face, more like his lips, I'm sure they would've continued.

"What are you doing?" Will whispered, his voice shaky. "Can I just... try?" Mike asked, sitting up a little more to position his body in front of the other boy. Will had previously been holding eye contact with Mike until his eyes found their ways down to his lips.

"Only if you want. But I feel like we both want it right now." Mike said, so incredibly nervous. Will nodded, this is what he's wanted for so long, he wasn't even thinking straight. Mike had placed his hands on top of the other boys, which were resting on both sides of his body.

Mike wasted no time putting his lips on Will's. If this wasn't right, he didn't know what was. Will's hands started moving backwards to catch his balance but Mike grabbed them and pulled him closer. They continued kissing for what felt like an eternity, neither were complaining though.

Mike reached a hand up to hold Will's neck. With his free band, Will ran his fingers through Mike's hair.

Argyle and Jonathan had been eating the pizza from earlier when Argyle looked up. "Hey uh, Byers?" Jonathan looked up to his friend. "Your brother is making out with that kid with the shitty knock off."

Jonathan sat up and looked out the window. If he wasn't so high he probably would've been freaking out. Will has liked Mike for so long. Now they're kissing, that's great! But he was too out of it to even realize.

i don't have an outro so I hoped you enjoyed

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