Roller rink prt 2

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hello guys this was fun to write

When the Byers and Mike got home, they got some snacks and headed upstairs. "We can go up to my room." El said and the two boys agreed. The group sat and made small talk for a bit until Will stood up. "I have to pee." He said and headed out the door.

Once Will left he took a deep breath. I hated that. He really didn't have to pee, he was just going to go to his own room. And sit, to have some peace and quiet. He was hoping Mike and El would take the hint and just leave him alone.

10 or so minutes went by and Mike looked at his watch. "Will's been in the bathroom for a while. I'm gonna go check on him." Mike said, standing up. "Okay." El said, putting some popcorn in her mouth. Once he got out of the room, Mike also took a deep breath. Who knows what was about to happen or what words were about to be said.

Mike walked to the bathroom and knocked. No answer. He looked down the hall, trying to remember where Will's room was. He started walking until he found a door with a ton of drawings on it. This has to be it. He knocked and waited for a reply. Nothing. He knocked again.

Mike heard a sigh and then a, "Come in." Will began to roll over. "El I kinda just want some time to mys-" He stopped once he saw who it was. "I want to talk." Mike said. He walked towards the bed and sat down at the edge.

"I don't." Will said, going back to his original position. "Well we have to." Mike said. Will didn't budge. Mike laid down so his face was in front of Will's, forcing Will to look at him. The smaller boy just rolled over to the other side.

A tear fell from his eye. He wanted to talk to Mike so badly, but he couldn't. Last time they "talked" Mike made fun of him for not liking girls. It hasn't been the same since then and he didn't want to mess it up even more. Although he already did at the roller rink.

Mike sat up and leaned against the wall, hugging his knees. He sighed. This was going to be a lot harder than expected. Will turned slightly and saw Mike staring off into space. He felt bad and caved. Will sat up and leaned against the wall right next to Mike, also hugging his knees.

"I don't know what else to say except I am sorry." Mike said, continuing to look off. "And that I really really don't care if you don't like girls." Will went from an exhausted expression on his face to a little smile. It was a small one, but it was there.

Mike looked down at his friend. "And I'm sorry if I ever made you feel like you couldn't tell me that." *cough cough heartstopper cough cough*

Mike dropped his hand from hugging his knees to grab Will's. It might of been a bold move but hey, not like they haven't done it before. He gave it a slight squeeze. Will looked up at Mike, who was looking back down at him.

Mike started to lean in. He could see Will's lips slightly separated. He then looked up, taking one last glance of his beautiful hazel eyes before closing his own. Will turned his head away last second to look at the wall. Mike stopped and did the same. What was I thinking?

Tears started to fall from Will's eyes. "I hate you." Will said. He let go of Mike's hand and stood up. He quickly walked out the door and down the hall. El appeared from her room. "Is everything okay?" She asked. Will was crying.

He ignored and walked right by her. She watched as Mike popped out from the bedroom as well and ran after Will. "What happened?" She asked, standing in the door way. Mike turned around, walking backwards attempting to talk to El but still follow Will.

"El just stay here for a second. I'll be back soon. I love you." He said and turned back around. He continued following Will down the stairs. He majorly fucked things up.

I love you?! Are you kidding me? He just tried to kiss me! Will made a disgusted face to himself, although he wish Mike could've seen it. He grabbed his shoes at the door and slipped them on. Mike, only a few steps behind, did the same.

Will opened the door and began to walk out. Joyce and Jonathan were carrying groceries down the driveway. "Oh Will, could you help carry these in?" Will continued to look down and walk.

Argyle, Jonathan's new supposed "best friend" had rode with the two Byers. He looked at Will and then Joyce. "I uhh, I'll help you don't worry." He said taking a bag from Joyce's hand. "Thanks hun. I don't know what his problem is."

Jonathan watched as Will kept walking. He turned his head just in time to see Mike running by to catch up. "Uh- Mike. What's going on?" Mike out of breath turned to look at Jonathan and then back at Will. Mike tried to explain.

"Well we were at the roller rink and Will and I got into a fight. Just a little one don't worry and so when we got home I tried to talk to him and I-" He stopped, hesitated to say the last word. He kept panting.

Jonathan gave him a look that said "Go on, what the hell happened?" And Mike gulped. "And I-" he paused, "Shit! I tried to kiss him and I know that sounds crazy but it's a long story but I need to go sort things out so uh." Mike pointed towards Will.

Jonathan stared blankly at the boy in front of him until he snapped out of it. "Yeah- yeah go uh, go sort that out." He watched as Mike ran towards Will. He slowly turned around, still carrying the groceries. Mike Wheeler tried to kiss my little brother. Damn.

As he reached the front door his mother stepped out to go grab some more bags. "Everything okay with Will and Mike?" She asked. Jonathan turned around to see both boys had disappeared down the road.

He nodded. "I uhh, I'm not sure. They'll work things out. The two stared off at the road. El and Argyle had joined in behind them at some point. They all stood at the door, none of them had any idea what to do.

Aaaaaaaannddd the camera zooms out on the four. AND SCENE. haha ik this was another cliffhanger I'm sorry but I love torturing you guys (not really you're all super cool but I wanted to give some angst and here we are) also I just love including other people in my stories it's so fun.

I will also be writing the oneshots you guys suggested sometime soon. School is almost over for me so that's fun and TWENTY FOUR MORE DAYS TILL STRANGER THINGS FOUR

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