distant prt 3

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hey guys i decided i'm not quitting this book but do not, i mean absolutely do not expect me to update every often. i really appreciate all the support you guys give me. glad you enjoy the book :)

I know you've all been waiting for this for a long time. This is the last part to "distant"

Mike woke up more tired than ever. He had been thinking about the letter all night. He knows Will had to have read it already. The biggest thing he was scared of was facing Will today.

When he arrived at school he went to his first class and sat by the two boys who were talking yesterday. Then he remembered that Will's dad was back in town. And Mike hadn't asked him about it at all.

But he wasn't going to ask today, at least not until they got out of school.

Mike went through the whole day being able to avoid Will. It was easy since they had no classes together until lunch came. He walked into the cafeteria after getting his tray.

He normally sat at a table by himself. Every now and then some random kids would sit with him when they had nobody else to sit with. Even then, Mike talked to no one. Usually he read a comic.

Today he caught a glimpse of Dustin sitting down and immediately reverted his eyes back to the comic. He didn't want to risk eye contact with Will because that would be so awkward.

But it was difficult and he found himself slowly looking up to find Will. He was talking to Lucas when he glanced over and noticed Mike. He smiled and waved, then went back to his conversation.

Mike's eyes went wide and he looked back down. Holy shit. Will waved at him and smiled? Was he not grossed out? Did he even read the letter?

He definitely didn't. He couldn't have.

When lunch was over Mike went to the bathroom to wait for everybody else to leave. He sat in a stall and put his face in his hands.

Jesus Christ Mike you fucked up. He seems to be okay now and if he reads that letter you'll never see him again. You should've just kept it to yourself.

He heard footsteps coming into the bathroom and his head shot up. He waited to hear where they were going and to his surprise they ended up right in front of Mike's stall door.

He looked down and immediately recognized the shoes. Will. An envelope slid under the door. "Everything I have to say is in the letter." He heard his footsteps walk away and then stop.

"I don't hate you Mike." He said and then left.

Mike picked up the letter and took a deep breath before opening it.

Dear Mike,

I don't know if this is what we're doing now, writing letters and all, but I thought I'd return the gesture. Don't worry, I didn't tell anyone about it.

I am mad at you Mike. But not because you like boys, because of how distant you've grown. Ignoring me for that long was rude. And normally I would just let it slide but not this time. Jonathan said I need to stick up for myself and so I'm trying.

That doesn't mean I don't want to be your friend anymore. I'm not really sure how to express my feelings either but I'm gonna try to be 100% honest with you.

First of all, and I'm just gonna say it flat out, Troy and James were right. I like boys. I have no idea how they know that, considering I have not told a single soul. Did you know? Well, now you do and you can't tell anyone.

Next thing, I can't hate you for liking boys if I do too. I understand it's difficult to tell people but why was it so difficult to tell me? I guess I should remind you more often that nothing can make me hate you.

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