🎼OP 1: We Are🎼

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🏴‍☠️️Wealth, fame, power.🏴‍☠️️

An old parchment is rolled open, depicting the former Pirate King's execution. The first image shows him shackled and kneeling on a heightened platform with two executioners armed with polearm-type weapons.

🏴‍☠️️Gold Roger the king of the pirates obtained this and everything else the

World had to offer. And his dying words drove countless souls to the seas.🏴‍☠️️

The next shows him speaking out to a large crowd gathered at the town square.

🏴‍☠️️"You want my treasure? You can have it! I left everything I gathered

Together in one place. Now you just have to find it!"🏴‍☠️️

And finally an image of his smiling face, despite seconds short of facing his death.

🏴‍☠️️These words lured men to the Grand Line, in pursuit of dreams greater than they've

ever dared to imagine. This is the time known as the Great Pirate Era.🏴‍☠️️

Scene change to a ship is seen unfurling its main sail with its respective Jolly Roger, followed by another, then another, until the sea is dotted with pirate ships of various makes and sizes, sailing towards the horizon in search of this mysterious treasure.

🏴‍☠️️🎶Come on board and bring along,

All your hopes and dreams.🎶🏴‍☠️️

Camera cut to Luffy, sprinting up a grassy hill, soon coming to a cliff end. But he is undeterred and leaps off in excitement.

Brief flashes of his current crewmates then roll across the screen. Standing before a wide expanse of ocean,a hooded figure with fish-like appendages peeking out pulls down the hood of their full-body cloak to reveal his first mate (First Name)--in her human appearance--with her Pack members, Carmela & Ahio the Element Macaws, Tito the Titan Tiger, Umi the Sea Snake, Trigger the Otter and Calder the Sea King, along with their two newest editions: ChouChou the dog and Richie the Lion, in the background. Zoro scowls at the audience, his bandana creating intimidating shadows over his eyes with a background of the Shell Town Marine base. Nami waves while standing in front of a tangerine orchard. Standing in the middle of a dirt path, Usopp looks upwards to the camera dramatically with his arms crossed. Ghin glares over the sphere-ended tonfa resting on his shoulder as he leans back on a restaurant chair with his feet propped up on the table. Sanji stands at the entrance of the Baratie, placing a cigarette between his lips.

🏴‍☠️️🎶Together we will find everything

That we're looking for.🎶🏴‍☠️️

With a beaming smile, Luffy stretches his arm to grab ahold of the Going Merry by the flagpole at the main mast, rocketing his body onboard.

🏴‍☠️️🎶One Piece🎶🏴‍☠️️

Quick cut to Luffy closing in before smash-cutting to the One Piece logo with an aging map as the background.

🏴‍☠️️🎶Compass left behind.

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