[21] - Baratie Arc ~ 3

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🏴️️Ch.21: An Unwelcome Customer! Sanji & (First Name)'s Cooking and Ghin's Debt🏴️️

Every patron of the Baratie is frozen in shock at Sanji holding a bloodied, beaten Fullbody by the neck. It all happened so fast, Sanji's kicks were so precise yet had just enough power to seriously wound the Marine, but not enough to kill him.

"Oh, no! Our customer!"

And I turn to see a familiar muscular man with plenty of hair on his arms, a shaved head, large lips and a short black beard, dressed in navy blue short sleeved shirt with two rows of yellow buttons going down both sides, knee length shorts of the same color, and brown shoes. The man also wears a white half apron, pink ascot, an earring on his right ear, two heart tattoos on his left arm, and has a rope as a headband tied around his shaven head. It's Patty!

"Dammit! Not again, Sanji! What do you think you're doing to our customer?" He questions as he walks to Sanji with a less than stellar look on his face

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"Dammit! Not again, Sanji! What do you think you're doing to our customer?" He questions as he walks to Sanji with a less than stellar look on his face. "Can't you see he's a Marine lieutenant?" He gestures to the man the sous-chef is gripping by the neck, holding him off the ground.

"You're a terrible cook. What makes you think you can talk to me like that?" Sanji demands in a cool manner, glancing at Patty, still not releasing Fullbody from his grip.

"A crappy cook like you is calling me bad?" Patty continues to stalk towards Sanji until he's right up in his face. "Restaurants can't exist without their customers; They're our life-blood. So, we don't wanna hurt them the way you seem to keep doing." He lectures.

"But he deserved it." Sanji looks to face Fullbody's limp figure. "He didn't treat the food or me with respect and he insulted all the cooks." Sanji lets the Marine lieutenant fall from his grasp and slump to the floor. "So, I simply taught him a lesson."

From my spot towards the back of the restaurant I notice Usopp, Zoro and Nami still in the entry doorway of the restaurant, simply observing everything.

"You're gonna regret this . . .all of you." Fullbody growls. "No restaurant should treat its customers like this. I'll shut you down. Do you understand me? I will shut you down! This entire place! This whole restaurant is finished. Do you hear me?!"

Jeez, this guy is pretty much begging to die this very second. If he doesn't learn to shut up, that mouth is gonna be the thing that gets him killed.

I can see the veins popping on the visible side of Sanji's face, not covered by the brushed over hair on the left side of his face.

"Then, maybe I should just finish you off now." Sanji threatens. He stalks towards Fullbody with intent on staying true to his words. The rest of the cooks try to hold him back from killing the deserving, conceited jerk.

"Arrogant assholes like you think they're such big shots, they can push anybody around really piss me off!" Sanji growls trying to push past the chef struggling to hold him back.

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