🏴‍☠‍️Ch.47.5 (III) | Movie 2: Clockwork Island Adventure🏴‍☠‍️

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The crew runs speedily up the castle spiral staircase, dealing with more of the Trump Pirates goons accordingly, leaving a path of destruction in our wake.

With every new level they enter, the Pack begins to break off from the rest of the crew, intent on fighting off the grunts so we don't have to worry. Soon enough, it's only myself, Luffy, Zoro, Jimanekia, Borodo and Akisu.

As the run continues to an outdoor pathway, the crew spots Usopp crucified alongside Sanji and Ghin.

Eventually, we come upon a large, circular hallway with a giant, steel mechanism turning at its center behind a wall of glass.

Luffy interestedly eyes the turning gear. "What's this?"

"I think it's the island's main key. The support of this entire island from this very castle." I reply.

Zoro frowns sternly, glancing at everyone. "Hey, let's get going! We can't waste any more time than we should."

Everyone nods in agreement.

Just as we were about to climb the next set of stairs, more Trump Pirates come in from the hall we arrived through.

One armed with a wooden plank moves to hit Akisu.

The boy awaits the hit but it never comes. He opens his eyes to see me, plank in my grasp, glaring icily at the pirate. If looks could kill, the man and his partner would be dead ten times over.

I crush the plank in my webbed hand and summon a forceful jet of water at the thug so hard he crashes into his fellow Trump goon and breaks through the thick stone wall behind them.

I crush the plank in my webbed hand and summon a forceful jet of water at the thug so hard he crashes into his fellow Trump goon and breaks through the thick stone wall behind them

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Then, suddenly, a metal gate blocks the entryway, trapping them. The room begins to shake. And without warning, the room's floor rises fast towards the ceiling, ready to flatten them all between the hard, stone bases.

Luffy, Zoro And I use all our strength to push against the ceiling.

"What the hell's going on?!" Luffy grunts.

I use everything I have to push on the ceiling and force the floor back down, even going as far as to use my tail as leverage.

As the remainder of us work to keep from getting squished, Borodo rushes to Akisu's side.

Akisu gives the older Thief Brother a sad smile. "I had to rely on you again, Borodo."

Borodo frowns, gently bringing the boy into his arms. "Don't worry about those stupid things. We're... brothers."

Shortly after the touching moment, Borodo shocks everyone by knocking the boy unconscious with his metal prosthetic arm.

The roof suddenly becomes heavier, causing everyone to groan under the force.

"Why is this so heavy?" Luffy strains.

"Another trap, no doubt." Jimanekia grits.

"Borodo, help us out!" Zoro shouts, sweating from the weight he's pushing against.

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