[9] - Syrup Village Arc ~ 1

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A/N: Images in collages do not belong to me. All rights go to their rightful artists. I just put them together to make picturing the story easier for you all.

🏴️️Ch. 9: The Honorable Liar? Captain Usopp!🏴️️

After sailing a good way away from Orange Town, I decided to take advantage of the calm waters and smooth sailing and get in some time for my favorite way of exercise: swimming! It was a good thing Richie and Tito were so big, otherwise I wouldn't be able to change without the boys seeing me. The boys' faces become bright red as I appear from behind Richie and dive into the ocean, gracefully swimming alongside Nami's boat.

"Is this really the time for a swim, (First Name)?" She asks

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"Is this really the time for a swim, (First Name)?" She asks.

"For me, there's always time for a swim." I answer back while doing the backstroke. "If you're worried about me falling behind, don't sweat it. Compared to my top speed, this is a steady pace."

"Anyways, as I was saying . . ." Nami continues on from what she was saying earlier. "There's absolutely no way we'll make it to the Grand Line in this condition."

Her statement gains the attention of Luffy and Zoro.

"You're right. We're gonna need a whole lot more meat." He says, finishing an apple from the barrel we picked up back in Orange Town. "Eating fruit every day is for the birds."

🌀🌺We resent that comment!🌺🌀 Ahio and Carmela exclaim in tandem.

"We'll also need some booze." Zoro adds. His comment is received with an apple thrown to his head, courtesy of our new navigator. The apple bounces off Zoro and I catch it before it can go to waste, still keeping up with everyone with my 'steady' swim pace.

"Shut up, you boneheads! Ugh!" Groans Nami. "That's not what I mean! The Grand Line's a dangerous place; We'll need more than beer and meat to survive there!"

💥Not to mention the place is crawling with opposing pirate crews who are also in search of Roger's hidden treasure.💥 Trigger inputs.

🌀And we aren't exactly well equipped to venture there just yet. Well . . .more so you guys than us.🌀 Ahio adds.

"And we don't have a crew." Luffy says with his mouth full.

"We don't have a crew, we don't have any equipment, or even a real ship for that matter! There's no way we'll ever make it like this!" She exclaims.

"How come? (First Name) and her friends have sailed the Grand Line in that very boat."

"That's because (First Name) is a legendary pirate who actually has the strength, smarts, and expertise to combat the dangers of the Grand Line. She knows how to handle the things that go on in that ocean."

"Listen to the navigator, Luffy!" I call out, munching on the apple. "She knows what she's talking about. We need to further build our crew and get an actual boat."

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