[28] - Baratie Arc ~ 10

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🏴️️Ch.28: We Won't Die! Future King of the Pirates vs. the Pirate Commodore!🏴️️

Everything seems to go in slow motion as the gas bomb approaches the Baratie, but not for me. During those few seconds, I witness Ghin throw the mask given to him by Luffy back at the rubber boy and is now forcefully holding down the second gas mask onto Sanji's face. 'That fool! He's willing to give up his own life for a crap excuse for a captain who is willing to kill probably his most loyal crew member.'

I tied a bandana around my nose and mouth and placed my (Favorite Color) diving goggles over my eyes. 

I tied a bandana around my nose and mouth and placed my (Favorite Color) diving goggles over my eyes. 

As the bomb made contact with the restaurant a thick cloud of purple gas begins to spread throughout the vicinity

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As the bomb made contact with the restaurant a thick cloud of purple gas begins to spread throughout the vicinity. Umi and I have to be quick if we want to pull this off. I raise my hands forward, palms facing the ocean, and send my will to the sea. And like it always had, it answered without fail. In the center of the gas cloud, a giant geyser erupts from the water and morphs into a whirlpool and begins extracting the gas out of harm's way. Umi was doing the exact same thing. The large sea snake jaw is wide open sucking up what poison gas the whirlpool couldn't reach in time. 

Once the gas was all cleared up and now swirling inside the whirlpool, I reshaped it into a large orb of water with the poison swirling inside of it

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Once the gas was all cleared up and now swirling inside the whirlpool, I reshaped it into a large orb of water with the poison swirling inside of it.


I smirk at Don Krieg's unhappiness at his most deadly weapon being rendered useless.

"Surprised? I guess you should be."

"My MH-5 gas! What did you do with it?!"

I hold up the orb of water stained with the purple of the poison gas swimming inside it. "Most of it's in here. What I couldn't catch is in my sea snake partner's stomach. Here you go, Umi." I toss her the poisoned orb and she catches it in her wide mouth. Her sharp fangs puncture the water orb and begin to drain it of its toxins. Once the water is purified, the orb loses its form and reverts back to its normal liquid form and drips from her mouth.

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