[12] - Syrup Village Arc ~ 4

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🏴️️Ch.12: The Battle on the Slope! Fish Woman vs. Black Cats!🏴️️

The scene around us was peaceful. An orange-tinged crescent moon hangs in the sky, the sound of calm waves lapping against the shore, and the slight rustle of trees by the gentle winds. Not exactly a mood you expect when making a battle plan to protect a village from a band of murderous, bloodthirsty pirates.

"Okay. At daybreak, the pirates will be landing at this shore to begin their attack. But the only way they'll be able to get to the village is to go up this slope. The rest of the shoreline is sheer cliffs, so they have to come through here." Usopp announces. We all walk up to the top of the slope and continue to listen to Usopp's plan. "If we can fight them while they're funneled into that narrow pass, their numbers won't mean anything, and the village will be protected."

"All right. Sounds pretty easy." Luffy comments.

"Talking about it is, but victory depends on our strength. What is it you guys can do?" Usopp asks.

"I cut."

"I stretch."

"I bend water."

💥I blow stuff up.💥

🌀I bend air.🌀

"I steal."

"I hide." Usopp finishes.

"WELL THIS TIME YOU BETTER FIGHT!" We all shout while Luffy puts him into a headlock.

"Just making a funny. Come on, calm down." Usopp wheezes.

"Alright Luffy, let him go. We need his help if we're going to make this plan work. He knows the island better than any of us." I say after calming down and becoming the voice of reason in the crew.

Ahio suddenly rushes to my shoulder. 🌀New update: Kuro revealed his true nature to Kaya's other servant, a one called Merry. He struck him down with a pair of odd weapons he wears on his hands that resemble cat claws; Furred gloves with blades the length of a katana at the ends of each finger. Kaya was asleep during the whole ordeal, so she's remained none the wiser. Carmela wants to help Merry but Klahadore is still in the mansion. She doesn't want to risk being seen and botch her mission of protecting Kaya.🌀 He whispers.

"Tell her to hold out, then, until Klahadore leaves the mansion and then can proceed to treat Merry while still be in reach of protecting Kaya." I advise.



"Yup! I'm a genius." Usopp boasts. "There's no way they'll be able to make it up this slop now."

We observe the barrels of oil leaking onto the slope pathway, completely covering it so no one could attempt to climb it.

"All this oil we put here should keep them occupied while we go to work on 'em. They're gonna be slipping and sliding around like a bunch of idiots. Then we show up and beat the crap out of them." Usopp goes on to explain.

"Wow, so that's your plan, huh?" Nami frowns stepping up to the oil slick.

"That's right. I'm going to defend the village no matter what it takes." Usopp declares.

"Let's just hope none of us slip on that oil and end up down there with them." Nami voices. "Because that would be like sliding into a meat grinder."

Luffy sits near the slick and starts to mess with the oil with his sandaled foot. "Usopp, I gotta hand it to you. You're pretty good at fighting dirty." He marvels.

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