[54] - Warship Island Arc ~ 7

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🏴️️Ch.54: Revival of a 1000-Year Legend! Through the Skies They Soar! Guardian to the Millennial Dragons!🏴️️

Things continue to look bleak as Grandpa Ryu's unconscious form begins to sink into the ocean waters.

"Hang in there!" Luffy urges. "Look, we've never been to the Dragons Nest, but I don't think it's down there." The rubber boy tugs on the dragon's feathers in an attempt to prevent him from sinking. But his efforts go unrewarded.

I summon the ocean to keep Grandpa Ryu afloat for just a bit longer.

Apis sobs from her place in her would-be kidnapper's dinghy. "Please don't die. . ."

"Grandpa Ryu!" Nami cries out, only being able to watch as the Millennial Dragon begins to sink further into the water.

"Damn those Marines." Usopp growls.

Zoro's eyes narrow. "Not good!"

"Yeah. It looks like the dragon can't swim." Sanji agrees reluctantly.

"Come on, Grandpa Ryu! We've come all this way, don't give up now. Not when we've come so close." I plead.

"(First Name)! Luffy! Look out!" I hear Ghin exclaim urgently.

My head snaps up to look over my shoulder to see that the Marines have fired a harpoon with the intent on skewering Grandpa Ryu and reeling his body back to their ship. 'Bastards! Can't even lose with some dignity!' I growl in my head, turning full front to face the incoming projectile. 'So long as I still stand, you will never lay so much as a finger on this magnificent creature!'

"Then perhaps you'll allow me to aid in your promise." An unknown voice speaks out, causing my eyes to widen.

Just before the harpoon could make contact with Grandpa Ryu, a figure bursts from the water near where the dragon's head was beginning to sink and snatches the harpoon in mid-flight. She dark emerald-green colored skin with lighter shade tribal markings and pale green hair that's kept tied in a braid with a large, green ring, with large bangs covering her right eye, as well as a green headband which covers her forehead. Her attire consists of dark green clothing with a light green breastplate and various accessories, such as bracelets and a light green collar. She also bears a small, green triangular marking on her left cheek. She also sports a long, light green scarf she wears that has its free end hang down behind her that is as long as her braided hair. And strapped to her back is a large boomerang.

A/N: Images in collages do not belong to me. All rights go to their rightful artists. I just put them together to make picturing the story easier for you all.

 I just put them together to make picturing the story easier for you all

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"WHAT?!" Commodore Nelson exclaims.

"Now, that wasn't very sporty of you." The woman speaks in an Aussie accent while glaring coldly in the still standing Marines direction.

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