[58] - Whiskey Peak Arc ~ 1

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🏴️️Ch. 58: Whiskey Peak: The Town That Welcomes Pirates! Looks Aren't What They Appear!🏴️️

A/N: Images in collages do not belong to me. All rights go to their rightful artists. I just put them together to make picturing the story easier for you all.

 I just put them together to make picturing the story easier for you all

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It was definitely snowing right now, that could not be denied. The once blue sky now turned gray and the icy, white substance falling in heavy clumps.

But I am the only one that's not surprised. This is the Grand Line after all. Strange and unpredictable is it forte.

Within the hour, the frozen powder covers the entire deck of the Going Merry.

The very second after the sudden change in weather, the crew bundles up in coats, hats, scarves and/or mittens. Myself and the Pack included. Now donning a thick coat and (Favorite Color) scarf that hides everything from my nose to my chin.

Calder doesn't mind the sudden change in temperature, since traveling with me his body has evolved an incredible sense of adaptability to the frequent changes in temperature within the waters of the Grand Line

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Calder doesn't mind the sudden change in temperature, since traveling with me his body has evolved an incredible sense of adaptability to the frequent changes in temperature within the waters of the Grand Line.

I, for one, enjoy the snow and the unpredictability of the Grand Line. Our navigator doesn't seem to share my enjoyment.

"Can somebody please tell me why it's snowing?" Nami grumbles. "It was hot and sunny just a few minutes ago."

"Like I said Nami, common logic is useless here on the Grand Line." I remind the navigator.

Nami moans. "That's no fair! Not only do you have a nice, thick coat on hand, but your body has the ability to regulate the water within it to keep yourself warmer or colder." The navigator complains and she tackles me to get a bit of the heat my body's emitting.

"I find it more impressive that our captain and sniper still remain so energetic, despite not wearing the proper fashion for such a Weather." I chuckle, not minding the navigator's close proximity in exchange for warmth.

"Hey, (First Name)! Lookie here!"

Peering out the galley's porthole, I spot Luffy waving his arms around to gain my attention and gestures to the snowman he's built.

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