[38] - Arlong Park Arc ~ 8

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🏴‍☠️️Ch. 38: Sunken Luffy! (First Name) vs. Arlong!🏴‍☠️️

"So, what do you boys think?" Arlong smirks. "Isn't this an exciting game? I can't wait to see how it ends. Who'll die first? You. . .or that rubber man?" Arlong roars with dark laughter.

"This is bad, Johnny!" Yosaku says. "Luffy's totally trapped down there."

"Big Bro Luffy!" Johnny exclaims.

Through the ocean's eyes, I could see Luffy struggle to keep his breath in as he sinks to the ocean floor.

'No way Calder could fit through those gates. And I can't go and get him because I'm the only one strong enough to keep Arlong from killing anyone else.'

Zoro charges at Hachi with his one sword in hand. "I'll beat his ass real quick and then come save you, Luffy!"


A stream of black ink is shot from Hachi mouth towards the swordsman, but Zoro manages to dodge just in the nick of time. Zoro gets in close enough to take a swing at the octopus Fishman, but he ducks out of the way. But not before he gets his hair slightly cut off.

"YOU BASTARD!" Hachi growl. "MY HAIR!"

But still, like the Hachi I knew back then, he never stayed mad for long. "But it's okay. It's only hair. It'll grow back."

Zoro is thrown for a loop but continues his fight with the octopus. But shortly into his fight, I can see he's having a hard time breathing and staying upright.

'Crap! Don't tell me his wounds are still causing him trouble. Carmela's treatments can only work so well with rest, and I doubt Zoro's been doing such.'

My attention is reverted back to the sawshark Fishman leisurely watching as his officers fight my fellow crewmates.


Meanwhile, Johnny and Yosaku try to come up with a plan to save a drowning Luffy while the rest of the Straw Hats fight off the Fishmen.

"Stupid octopus! He's just trying to waste our time." Johnny growls.

"But if we try to save Luffy now, they'll just drag us to the bottom of the sea and we'll drown." Yosaku reasons reluctantly.

"If we sit here and do nothing, then Luffy drowns for sure."

"We gotta think of a way to help him."


Genzo steps forward. "Hold up." He places his hands on the bounty hunter duo's backsides causing them immense pain from the wounds they got fighting the Fishmen Pirates earlier. "What good are the two of you gonna do in the sea when you both can barely walk?"

Yosaku and Johnny collapse from the pain.

"If you're trying to figure out a way to save that young man, then I believe I should be the one to volunteer ahead of you."

"You'll save him?" Johnny squeaks out in pain.

"His survival is the key to our winning. If we don't save him, then we will certainly lose. Wouldn't you agree?"

The villagers are ready to join in his rescue attempt, but the sheriff/mayor dispels their encouragement saying the Fishmen will become suspicious if a large group were to go.

Johnny and Yosaku move to their knees and bow their heads in thanks to Genzo.

"Hold on!"

Nojiko appears, carrying a large sledgehammer. "Genzo, I'm going too."

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