[50] - Warship Island Arc ~ 3

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🏴️️Ch.50: Eric the Sickle-Sickle Devil Fruit User! Escape Warship Island!🏴️️

"Guys, you're not gonna believe what we saw! It's so cool!" Luffy tells the rest of the crew, giddily.

Time really flew by since we followed Apis the night before, as dawn has already risen, and the villagers are beginning their morning duties. We had just arrived back at Grandpa Bokuden's house to relay the news to everyone else. Though they don't seem to share the young captain's enthusiasm, as they're all still sleeping. Even Grandpa Bokuden himself!

"Um, what's going on?" Nami questions.

"Looks like Bokuden's story literally put them all to sleep." Ghin notes, looking at his fellow crewmates, both human and animal snoring away.

Zoro, with his arm still wrapped securely around his katanas, propped up against the wall. Sanji having removed his jacket sometime during the night and made himself comfortable on the floor, lying on his back. Usopp had fallen asleep against the low table, using his own arms as pillows and a snot bubble comes from his nose as he snores. While every member of the Pack, sans Tito and Richie—who are now up and awake outside after Hanabi and Astro tell them the news about Grandpa Ryu—, is snuggled together in a sleep pile.

And Grandpa Bokuden now sleep-telling his story.

"The 1200th king. . ." The elderly man continues to mumble, his head bobbing as he's bordering on falling completely asleep. ". . .was succeeded by the 1201st. ."

"Oh, brother. . ." Nami grumbles. "His story still isn't over?"

🎇Now that is some dedicated story-telling.🎇 Hanabi comments. Though with her tone, I can't determine if she's being sarcastic or serious.

Luffy kneels next to Usopp, with an outstretched finger ebbing dangerously close to the sniper's sleep bubble. "Rise and shine, sleepyhead." He sings before he pops the nose bubble.

The pop was loud enough to stir—or rather scare—the sniper awakes and screams bloody murder.

With the account of Usopp's shrill voice, the crew begins waking up, one by one.

First comes Zoro grumbling at being harshly awoken. "What the. . .? Were we here all night?"

Next to awake is Sanji. "Guess so. With that old guy rambling on, we must've all dozed off. . ." He mumbles, pushing himself to sit upright then maneuvering his arms overhead in a stretch.

Just before we could get the others up and moving a villager frantically burst through the front door. "Bokuden! We've got trouble! Apis! Where is she?!"

That seems to bring everyone at full attention.

"What's the matter?" Nami asks.

"You're those pirates, right? A Marine fleet just arrived!" The man explains. "They're blockading the harbor and coming ashore."

💥What?!💥 Trigger exclaims.

🌺They followed us. . .?!🌺 Carmela gasps.

🌀. . .All the way here?!🌀 Ahio finishes.

🎇They must really be desperate to get this girl back🎇

"We've got to get to Apis before they do!" The Stawhats' navigator affirms.

"Why are the Marines after a little girl?" A still sitting Usopp questions.

"Guys! I need you come with us right now! Time is of the essence! Your questions will be answered later." I say with urgency.

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