[40] - Arlong Park Arc ~ 10

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🏴️️Ch.40: Arlong's Assault From the Sea! Water Attacks Are Useless! The Siren Relies on Her Physical Strength!🏴️️

It's a stare down between myself and Luffy towards Arlong.

"'King of the Pirates'?" The sawshark Fishman scoffs. He picks up a chunk of rubble and starts tossing it in the air over and over. "Don't be foolish. A puny human like you couldn't possibly conquer the Grand Line." Arlong's gaze shifts towards me. "Oh, I get it now. You brought (First Name) into your silly crew for her expertise." He lets out a few chuckles. "I wouldn't be surprised if you did. With no doubt in my mind, she could sail those waters without a ship, blindfolded. Though, why she would choose to sail under a scrawny, little runt like you as a captain, I will never understand. You can't even crush a pillar with your jaws." He mocks.


"He's right. There's no way a human could do something like that." Sanji agrees with Arlong's statement, albeit reluctantly. "If those jaws got a hold of you, they would do a lot more than just leave some bite marks."

He imagines Luffy getting a chunk taken out of his midsection. "He'll snap through your bones like a butcher."

And from what he's learned about (First Name) hybrid form, he knows that her scales can deflect bullets. Not so sure about how her scales would hold up against Arlong's jaw strength.


Arlong continues chuckling.

"Yeah? So, what?" Luffy retorts. The rubber boy smashes what's left of a stone pillar, breaking it with his sheer strength. Not bad for a human. "Quit your bragging! You're not that awesome!"

Luffy's comment wipes the smirk off Arlong's face and brings a wide one to my own. Leave it to Luffy to know how to bring someone from off their high horse.

"Besides, smashing stones with your teeth isn't that smart."

"Way to go! You're the best, Big Bro! Tell him like it is!" Yosaku shouts.

"Yeah! What idiot bites a rock anyway?!" Johnny screams in agreement.

I chuckle at the fact that Arlong is being made a fool of.

"Fools . . .that's not the point! Every member of the human race is ignorant and weak!" Veins start popping up around the fishman's neck and face. He points at my rubber captain. "What good are you if you can't even pull yourself out of the water?!" He lunges at us, more so towards Luffy, with jaws wide open, ready to take a bite out of his opponents.

But Luffy and I manage to dodge, and, oddly, the rubber boy takes up arms with two cutlasses abandoned on the ground.

"As a matter of fact, I'm worthless without my friends to help me out. Heck! I probably wouldn't be standing here right now, if it weren't for (First Name)!"

Arlong starts to back away at the sight of an armed Luffy.


"Huh? No way! Luffy's a swordsman?!"

💥Not even in the slightest.💥 Trigger deadpans to Sanji question.


Luffy keeps swinging both swords wildly, without any rhyme or reason to his technique.

As a swordswoman, it was almost painful to look at.

Arlong notices the lack of technique as well. "What is this a joke? Whatever it is, it isn't swordplay. You're just flailing about like a child playing pirates." The sawshark Fishman uses his sharp nose to break one of Luffy cutlasses. "I hope you realize this isn't a game." He growls.

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