[14] - Syrup Village Arc ~ 6

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🏴️️Ch.14: (First Name) Holds Off Kuro! Rise & Shine Luffy! Kaya's Desperation!🏴️️

All eyes are on Kuro, the air still and no one, not even his own crew, dares utter a word in fear of pissing the former Black Cat Pirate captain off even more than he already is.

"To think that these brats have held you back." Kuro starts, dropping his duffel next to him. "How the Black Cat Pirates have fallen." Veins begin to pop up on his forehead. "What have you got to say for yourself, JANGO!"

"But . . .uh . . .Well . . . I . . you said . . .Uh, sorry sir . . .but . . . you said letting the kid go wouldn't cause any problems." The hypnotist stutters trying to explain. "And you never said such a big shot pirate was with those brats."

"'Big shot pirate?' What are you blathering about?" Kuro questions.

Jango points to me still in my hybrid form. "That woman is the 'Mysterious Siren'! Fish appendages, strange creatures that follow her around and the ability to manipulate water! It all fits together!"

Kuro's gaze meets mine, for a little too long I might add, and I glare.

Kuro's gaze meets mine, for a little too long I might add, and I glare

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"It shouldn't matter. When I want something done, I expect it to be executed immediately. But the one thing I hadn't taken account for was your inexcusable weakness." He responds.

"Sir, we're not weak. It's just that . . ." Jango tries to say.

"Who are you to call us weak?!"

"Watch what you say, Captain Kuro!"

Siam had escaped without my knowledge once again and stands by the side of Butchie, who abandons his fight with Zoro, and faces down Kuro, scratching their claws together.

"You used to be quite the killer, but face it, Kuro. It's been three years, and we haven't exactly been living the good life waiting on a rich girl hand and foot." Siam ridicules.

"Yeah, that's right. For three long years, we've been out sinking pirate ships and massacring villages." Butchie agrees with his brother.

Kuro isn't affected by the brothers' mockeries as he continues to stare down at the Meowban Brothers. "Very good. Finished?"

"NO! You've done nothing this whole time! We've been killing!" Siam yells.

"You butler! There's no way you can beat the Meowban Brothers." Butchie proclaims.

They both speed right passed Zoro and right for Kuro.

"Don't! Butchie! Siam! Stop!" Jango calls out.

Kuro remains calm and reaches for the duffel.

"You're not our captain anymore!" Yells Siam.

"So sorry, but we have to kill you!" Butchie shouts.

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