[16] - Syrup Village Arc ~ 8

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🏴️️Ch. 16: Kuro vs. Luffy & (First Name)! A Cat, Rubberband and a Fish, Oh My!🏴️️

Sunlight glints off the blades of one of Kuro's Cat Claws that got caught in the boulder. Kuro himself lying motionless on the ground, most likely in shock after having one of his signature weapons shattered.

The Black Cat Pirates are even more so, seeing their captain knocked on his back a second time today.

"Wait! He just . . ."

"He just broke Captain Kuro's Cat Claw."

"And the girl beat him into next week with those attacks."

A smug, triumphant smile appears on Luffy's face. "That leaves only five more of those weird swords." Luffy drops the boulder into the ground next to him

Luffy and I chuckle at Kuro's dismay as he starts to shake, holding his head with the now useless Cat Claw. But surprisingly, Kuro still has the resolve and strength to try and stand back up.

His crew begins to cheer him on, already forgetting their orders to shut up.

"Don't worry guys! He can still fight plenty!"

"Yeah! He still has that other Claw!"

"You can do it! Rip those two to shreds Captain Kuro!"

"Don't use that any anymore. He doesn't like it, remember?"

"I think in this village his name is Klaha-something."


They all begin to cheer with the butchered alias Kuro used to go by. I sweatdrop at their stupidity. 'And these guys are what go for bloodthirsty, murderous pirates? Well, Kuro did say that's all they thought about doing. Guess that doesn't leave room for much else in those tiny brains.'

"Shut your mouths . . ." Kuro quietly growls. " . . .All of you!" As he pushes himself up more, I can see my attacks caused some blood to start running down the side of his face and strands hair falling from its prim and proper fashion. Not as much as he deserves, but I can still dish plenty more out while the day's still young.

The Black Cat Pirates' cheers seize.

"Soon enough, I'll deal with you in the only appropriate manner: Extermination!" He flexes his good Cat Claws blades. "I'll also kill that fool Jango!"

The Pirates are shocked at Kuro's statement.

"But . . .why kill us, Captain?"

"C'mon! Please don't joke around like that, Captain Kuro!"

"It's still not too late for us to attack the village, right?"

"Yeah! And if Captain Jango gets her to write her will, then your plan should still work perfectly."

Kuro fixes his glass and stretches his good Cat Claw. "This plan is no longer any of your concern. When all of you are dead, this village will know who to blame for this atrocity."

The men gasp in shock, now knowing that their own captain is planning to throw them under the ship, so to speak, using them as scapegoats to the attack on the village.

"I never intended to let any of you mongrels leave this village alive." Kuro admits. "No one, no one who knows my true identity can be allowed to live to tell about it."

"No way!"

"You had already planned to kill every last one of us from the very beginning!"

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