[7] - Orange Town Arc ~ 4

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🏴️️Ch. 7: Epic Showdown! Swordsman Zoro vs Acrobat Cabaji! A Fight to Win 'The Siren'!🏴️️

"I'm here to kick your ass just like I promised I would Buggy!"

Buggy struggles to call his hand back, but with Luffy's firm grip on it, it wasn't going anywhere. Luffy eventually let's go of the dismembered hand and allows it to return to its owner.

"Damn you, Strawhat!" The clown captain growls.

We all were just staring at him, secretly enjoying his little tantrum.

"How dare you? You can't just waltz up to me and treat me like this! I'M CAPTAIN BUGGY AND I WON'T STAND FOR IT!" He shouts.

Nami points at Zoro and I. "Listen to me. All I want is the chart and treasure, then I'm out of here, got it?" She reminds us.

"Don't worry, we've got it." The both of us reply back.

The Mayor, still recovering from Buggy's chokehold, coughs in order to catch his breath. "Get outta here. Why'd ya follow me?" He pants. "You're outsiders. Leave this to me."

The man couldn't even get to his feet, let alone fight a pirate with Devil Fruit powers. I look to Luffy and he gives me a nod. I return the gesture knowing what to do if the Mayor would continue down this path.

"This is my fight, that I need to be the one to protect my town." The Mayor picks up his spear. "Buggy is my fight!"

I quickly chop down on the back of his neck, effectively knocking him out. 

I catch him before he could fall to the ground and place him over my shoulder

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I catch him before he could fall to the ground and place him over my shoulder.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" Nami yells angrily.

"Face facts. He was in the way. It's better like this so he doesn't get killed." In the blink of an eye, I drop the mayor safely somewhere out of the way, so he doesn't get caught in the crossfire and return back to my friends. "Besides . . .he's got a whole town full of citizens to look after. They'd be lost without his guidance. So, I'm doing both him and the town a favor."

"Y-You . . .Where'd you take him?!" She asks shocked, seeing as one moment the man was over my shoulder like a sack of potatoes and the next, he's gone.

"Don't worry, I put him somewhere safe, so he won't get hurt." I answer.

"She's right. If the old man continued to fight, he would have died. It's for the best." Zoro backs me up.

"Well you didn't have to hit him! I'm sure we could have thought of a more humane way to deal with the situation!" Nami berates.

"You make it sound like I bashed his head into the wall. He's only knocked out. I'm strong, not stupid. I know how much of my strength to put out, before I use it." I respond.

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