[66] - Little Garden Arc ~ 5

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🏴‍☠️️Ch.66: The Candle is Lit! Anger and Sadness Both Yield Tears!🏴‍☠️️

"You guys are gonna to pay for this!" Luffy bellows.


Broggy now finds himself falling face first onto the ground, being tripped up by Mr. 3's Wax-Wax Fruit powers, all the while the lanky man is cackling and sipping tea like it's a Sunday afternoon. The wax then begins to encase around his midsection and arms, preventing him from escaping.

"What's going on here? Tell me!" Broggy demands, his head being half sunk in the wax, still allowing him to see, albeit forcefully from Mr. 3's Devil Fruit.

"Going on? Of course it's lost on someone like you." The Wax-Wax man derides, snidely adjusting his glasses. "What's going on is that I'm creating a work of art with your assistance." He chuckles maliciously as the flame at the tip of his '3' hairdo blazes brightly with the use of his fruit.


Vivi struggles to free herself from Ms. Valentine's vice grip, only to conclusively fail and have the annoying blonde laugh at her attempts. "Stand still like a good little girl. Did you actually think that someone like you could escape from an organization like Baroque Works? Even with the help of a few magical creatures..." She holds up the burnt and beaten forms of Astro and Hanabi in her other hand, the twos' wands kicked out of their reach and their hats with their respective familiars lying beaten on the ground. Not even poor Firouz was spared, after biting Ms. Valentine on the hand to try and free Vivi.


Strewn across the clearing, the burnt to crisp bodies of the Pack lie. Richie, Umi, and even 'Quetz' are splayed out unmoving and seemingly dead to the world, but I could pick up faint sounds of their breathing, to my relief.

"And even the Siren herself?"

Though I'm not faring any better, I was able to break free from the wax trap only to get a single good punch in on the Bomb-Bomb Fruit user only to be snatched back into the trap's hold, under much tougher security this time. On top of thicker, heavier chains, the wax even molded to put a pipe-shaped muzzle through my mouth. I can only watch helplessly as my fellow crew members are blown up and left for dead.

Carue, despite being greatly wounded, tried his best to fight off the Baroque Works' assassins, only to become a near-fried duck. As well as being cratered into the ground by Ms. Valentine, Usopp was the target of more of Mr. 5's booger bombs. And Luffy was the least luckiest out of all of us. Still trapped by the skeletal-shaped rock, he couldn't dodge any of Mr. 5's explosions, leaving him a burnt black and face in the ground.

"After all, your friend over there, along with the Siren, have big bounties on their heads, and look at what happened to them." Ms. Valentine taunts further, egging on Vivi's helplessness.

Mr. 5 chuckles. "Consider this our 'thank you' for what happened at Whiskey Peak..." He shifts his gaze towards me, before moving to approach. He then grips me by the chin, forcing me to look him directly into his shades. "...Along with the slaughter of our former top bounty hunting division."

I'd be biting his damn hand off right now, if it wasn't for this damn muzzle. So, I can only offer a threatening, low growl in response, since I couldn't speak the rather colorful words that come to mind, at the moment.

"You should learn to mind your own business, you pathetic group of wannabe pirates. It would be quite beneficial to your health." He directs more towards the rest of the crew, rather than me.

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