[2] - Shells Town Arc ~ 1

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~Ch. 2: A Familiar Face! Enter the Great Swordsman! Pirate Hunter Roronoa Zoro!~

A/N: Images in collages do not belong to me. All rights go to their rightful artists. I just put them together to make picturing the story easier for you all.

 I just put them together to make picturing the story easier for you all

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"What a day!" Luffy hollers to the sky. "It's gorgeous!"

It had only been a day since we were able to leave behind Alvida's ship and the Marines along with it and on our current route to Shells Town: The island where the marine base holding 'The Pirate Hunter' Roronoa Zoro is located.

I am currently steering my boat at a steady pace alongside Luffy and Coby's dinghy, while reading through another newspaper a News Coo had dropped off. Coby is currently guiding the boat while he and Trigger were fishing due to Luffy eating through all our provisions. And when I say 'our', I really mean mine. I swear his appetite is as bottomless as my bag. Perhaps even more so.

"Hey, (First Name)! How much longer until we reach the island with the marine base?" Luffy asks. I look up from my reading.

"I don't know, Luffy. I have traveled a lot of seas but even I haven't been everywhere around the world. And as famous as I am, I often try to avoid islands with large Marine bases on them." I reply. "Coby, do you know?"

"As long as we can stay on this heading, we should be able to reach the Marine base in no time at all!" Coby replies enthusiastically.

"Wow, Coby! You're great out here!" Luffy grins. "You mean we're actually going to reach the place we originally set out for?"

"Of course! It's nothing." Coby says. "I'm just using the skills that every sailor should have."

💥Yeah. Well clearly not this sorry excuse of a sailor.💥 Trigger jabs a finger in the direction of a manic laughing Monkey D. Luffy.

I can't help but giggle a little. "Now, Trigger. Luffy may lack a lot in the common-sense department. . ."

🌺And has almost gotten killed and captured on his first day as a pirate. . .🌺 Comes in Carmela.

🌀And has to have you save his butt from trouble practically every day, even before he became a pirate. . .🌀 Ahio adds.

"OK, so he's basically totally lacking in the common-sense department. But tell me that joining his crew hasn't been a complete blast." I smile at my animal companions and they all give me a nod.

💥You're right about that much. I can only imagine how much trouble we'll all get into with him as our captain.💥 Trigger laughs and I can't help but laugh along with them.

"You know, there's nothing to be giggly about, you guys." Coby pushes up his glasses and turns to look at the still laughing Luffy. "Because at the Marine base there holding the 'Great Pirate Hunter': Roronoa Zoro."

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