[33] - Arlong Park Arc ~ 3

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🏴️️Ch. 33: The Straw Hat's Sniper Falls! When Will We Reach Land?!🏴️️

With Momoo's assistance, we're making excellent time to reach Conomi Island. I try to comfort the giant sea cow, who's till sporting the massive lump on his head (courtesy of an idiot cook and an even more idiotic captain).

The two said idiots awoke from the massive beating I gave them earlier and were ecstatic (more so the rubber boy than the chef) at the help I managed to get, despite their earlier stupidity at harming the poor beast.

Luffy is now balancing dangerously close on the bowsprit of Sanji's boat cheering loudly, as the ships bounce rough against the waves from being pulled by the sea cow. "YEAH!! FASTER TO ARLONG PARK!!"

Yosaku looks terrified, Sanji and Ghin take the rough bouncing of the ship calmly, Richie is clinging to the deck to keep himself from flying off, Trigger and Umi are now onboard Sanji's boat with the rest of us, practically used to the rough journey, from their earlier experiences with me, and Calder follows right beside Momoo.

Luffy shows no worry of falling from his perch and just smirks. "Nami, hang on!"


Meanwhile, back on the island, Arlong is still seething as he's forcefully dragged back to Arlong Park by his men, so he doesn't go on a rampage. But the thought of Usopp's attack is still burning in his mind. "LET GO!" He shoves his men to the side, as he stands on his own. "Find him! I want that long-nose freak, now!"

Arlong's own men tremble at the anger radiating off the sawshark Fishman in waves.

"To think, some lowly human scum would defy us! The Fishmen!"

Arlong calms down a bit, but his anger still lies there. "C'mon. We're going back to Arlong Park." He turns on his heel, storming in the direction of his massive Fishman compound.

Usopp has escaped Cocoyashi Village and now runs through the island's thick forests but is being hotly pursued by three of Arlong's Fishmen.

The sniper looks over his shoulder to see that said Fishmen are still on his tail and don't look to be getting tired in the slightest. "Oh, man. I can't shake these guys! If only (First Name) came with our group. She'd know how to handle the situation better than anyone." He dives into a shrub to try and lose the Fishmen and it appears to work.

"Hey, where'd he go?" One of the Fishmen asks. All of the looking to and fro through the forest and not finding any sign of the long-nosed young man.

But Usopp, being the idiot he is deep down . . .

"All those in favor of leaving Usopp alone say 'aye'!" His voice calls out from somewhere in the forest.






Several silhouettes of the sniper can be seen popping out from the shrubbery only a few feet in front of the Fishmen.

A Fishman chuckles at Usopp's sad attempt at distracting them. "You fool. You're dumber than I thought.

"Ah, you agree with me too!" The sniper calls out. "That's great!"

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