[57] - Reverse Mountain Arc ~ 2

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🏴️️Ch. 57: A Promise Between Friends! Luffy & (First Name)'s Vow to Laboon!🏴️️

"All who have seen Laboon ask the same questions." Crocus begins to explain. "Why does he continually strike his body against the Red Line? Why does he keep howling at Reverse Mountain?"

Though the Island Whale's ramming against the mountainous continent has ceased, his deep saddening bellows start up again. Tearing at a certain fishwoman's heart as they resound.

"Listen closely and I will reveal to you Laboon's tragic story."

The crew quiets down as they focus on the old man resting in his lounge chair.

"One fine sunny day, while I was fulfilling my duties as the lighthouse keeper. Some good-natured pirates came down Reverse Mountain. They were followed by a baby whale. Spry and chipper. Whom I would soon come to know as the one and only Laboon. He's an Island Whale. One of the largest in the world. They're a rare species found only in the West Blue. Laboon had developed a bond with the pirates; Traveling with them for much of their journey. But knowing the dangers of the Grand Line, the pirates chose to leave Laboon behind in the West Blue. But the stubborn little whale followed them anyway. As a general rule, Island Whale's are social animals and travel together in family groups. I suspect that Laboon had somehow come to feel that those pirate were his family." A fond smile grace Crocus' aged face. "The wear and tear on the pirate ship was quite severe, so they stayed here for several month. In that time, I, too, was able to forge a close relationship with them." Crocus' gaze hardens and his expression turns serious again. "Thus when the day of their departure finally arrived, the captain of the crew asked something of me. 'I have a favor to ask of you, my dear friend. Could you look after Laboon for a few years? When my men and I have completed our voyage around the world, we'll be back. Listen to me, Laboon. We're taking our ship to the end of the Grand Line. Until we return, I need you to wait for us here with Crocus. You can't come with us. It's too dangerous, even for a mighty whale like you. Don't worry, three years will pass by like a flash. And don't forget, no matter the distance, our friendship lasts forever.' Even as they sailed into the Grand Line Laboon tried to follow. But the captain assured that they would be back and to remain with me." The elder's tone becomes solemn and slightly saddened. "That was fifty long years ago."

"Fifty years?" Sanji gasps.

"So Laboon has been waiting all this time for his friends to return?" Usopp questions, eyes wide with shock.

"No wonder he's upset." Nami concludes.

Kylie nods in agreement. "That long of a time. . .Anyone would be devastated. I know the feeling." The Emerald Gem recalls her time sitting away in the Dragon Temple, too weak to leave and without hope anyone would come for her. Anyone 'good' for that matter.

Richie and ChouChou have found themselves with a newfound respect towards the massive whale. Both for his patience and his unwavering loyalty.


After hearing Laboon's sorry tale, Crocus has opened the gates to the canal for the crew to exit through. The Strawhats have now all gathered at the ship's bow.

"This is some canal." Zoro comments, taking in the enormous, co-existing structure that's been built into the whale.

🌠This structure is absolutely incredible!🌠 Astro gushes lightly.

His sister mimics his excitement. 🎇And you built this all on your own, Mr. Crocus?🎇

As the Going Merry sails through the canal, Crocus follows beside them on his "island-ship", back in his lounge chair.

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