[45] - Loguetown Arc ~ 3

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🏴️️Ch. 45: Shopping in Loguetown Act II! Guns, Swords, and Rescues! Who Is That Following Us?🏴️️

Following Raoul's directions, we finally reach our intended destination. But like with the last shop, this one didn't allow pets inside.

Carmela and Ahio learned from their mistake and stick closer to ChouChou, perching themselves on his back. The little dog isn't really bothered by it.

Entering the shop, I am surrounded by dozens of shelves and cases filled up with numerous individual guns and ammunition. This place has everything. Pistols and rifles seem to be the shop's forte, though.

"Welcome to Gunslinger's, miss." A young girl, who looks my chronological age, happily greets. "Are you looking for something in particular?"

"Do you happen to sell top break guns here?"

The young girl looks impressed. "You know your weapons, miss. Follow me." She leads me towards the back right of the store to their wide selection of top break guns.

"Outstanding." I sigh in awe at beautifully crafted guns neatly organized on the shelves.

"Take as long as you'd like, miss."

Perusing through the selections, I eventually come across an ornate, green, custom-built top break revolver of unique design. After putting the gun through all the tests to match my personal preference and requirements, I find it perfect in style and functionality. I leave the guns with the young girl at the front desk to hold onto while I keep looking around.

I return to the front desk carrying two Colt revolvers--one with a playing card design, the other with a dolphin and sailboat engravings--two Remington revolvers--both exact in design with each other but one being silver with an ivory grip and the other black with a same color lacquer grip--and a beautifully engraved charcoal-blue Uberti. What can I say? I'm a revolver kind of girl. And in this day and age, a girl can't be too careful.

The young woman is kind enough to go into their back-storage room to get the required ammo for my guns.

As I wait, the sudden sound of a clutter coming from my right causes me to start. I look to see a large, leather gun trunk case that looks big enough to hold the parts of a rifle.

'Was that always there?' I wonder to myself.

I dust off the trunk case before unlatching it and opening it up. I'm left in astonishment at what I find inside. A taken-down Winchester rifle, with silver mountings and stallions engraved onto its stock and all along its receiver, sits prim and proper in the case's slots.

I've only seen this brand of weapon in gun books but never in person

Never have I felt so compelled to piece a weapon together. Despite it being my first time holding a weapon of this caliber, I felt like I had had it my whole life, knowing it inside and out. Not even a full minute passes by as it's completed and held in my grasp.

The young girl comes back out holding a basket full of ammo and stops in her tracks when she notices me analyzing the rifle.

"That case. . ."

I nearly drop the gun when she makes her presence known. "I'm sorry. I was just curious."

"No need to apologize. It's just that. . .You know the stories surrounding those types of guns."

I nod. "Winchesters. The guns cursed by ghosts and dark spirits. Though, I think I can understand why. Winchester guns have been responsible for so much bloodshed and death throughout history. But as time went on, owners started dying under mysterious circumstances. Not even collectors are willing to buy them anymore. Very few are ever seen in the world anymore."

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