[46] - Loguetown Arc ~ 4

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🏴️️Ch.46: (First Name)'s Cooking Has a Fan? Trouble's Brewin' in Loguetown!🏴️️

Hanabi and Astro, along with their animal partners, (who I've now dubbed 'The Guild') are now secured in the wicker basket I bought for food shopping. They even enchanted it so it's bottomless.

Since joining together, I've learned the animal sprite siblings—along with their fellow apprentices—have their own respective talents

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Since joining together, I've learned the animal sprite siblings—along with their fellow apprentices—have their own respective talents. Hanabi's specialty is Burst Magic. Meaning her magic varies in elements and is of the more explosive variety. But she also has difficulty controlling it, as it blows up in her face multiple times. Astro practices Celestial Magic, which utilizes various kinds of abilities correlated with stellar constellations and the cosmos. His magic can be directed in the forms of offense, defense, and support for him and/or others. His problem is that he's unable to control how much he puts out. It can either be too little or too much.

While food shopping, we get to know each other a bit better. It was nice having a normal conversation without being morphed into an argument like with the crew.

🌠So, you've been a pirate for nearly thirteen years now?🌠 Astro asks.

"Yep. Since I was five years old." I respond, nonchalantly, picking out some fresh eggs and a few dozen bottles of milk.

🎇I've heard that starting young is good for a lot of things but never when becoming a pirate.🎇 Hanabi adds.

"Well, I'm glad I left when I did. Otherwise, I might not have met my friend and captain, Luffy." I point out while picking up some baking ingredients and some baskets of rice. "Okay, my go. What's this about each apprentice having to craft a wand before they're able to go out into the world?"

🌠Wands are tools that act as buffers for a magic apprentice's magic abilities. While wandless magic is most definitely possible, it's very advanced. Each wand is crafted by their respective wizard, witch, or mage. The shape, size, color all depend on the magic user who's doing the crafting in order to meet their specifications. If the user's magic advances enough, the wand can gain a defense form, an offense form and a long-range form. But regarding me, my sister and all our friends, we had to make our wands on the fly before we could officially finish our training, so we don't fully know how to wield them properly. Hence the difficulty with our own magics.🌠 Astro finishes sadly as he and his sister look at their own wands. The little lion sprite's wand is a simple yellow, five-point star on a dark blue staff pole. His fox-like sister-figure's wand is a simple, pink-feathered hand fan with an ornate base and handle.

"Interesting." I muse, looking to and fro between the different food stands. "Maybe I could help you practice. I may not be magically trained but I've been good at helping others improve with their own abilities." My offer brings a smile to the animal sprites faces, before they nod adamantly.

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