[53] - Warship Island Arc ~ 6

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🏴️️Ch.53: Going Merry Complete Surrounded! Secret Strategy of Branch 8's Commodore!🏴️️

The onslaught of incoming cannonballs doesn't halt in their endeavor, but luckily or unluckily, the Marines main focus is solely on retrieving Grandpa Ryu from us. The sprays of water from the off-target cannonballs douse the crew. The explosions rocking the ship to and fro.

But because of the Going Merry's speed, compared to the Marines battleships, and evasive maneuvers the Marine cannon fire has yet to make a solid hit on the pirate caravel.

I welcome the onslaught of heavy sea spray, while my lovable louse of a captain poises precariously atop the Merry's figurehead.

Trigger takes care of any stray cannonballs that get too close with his bazooka. Tito crushes a few within his massive maw. Hanabi and Astro utilizes their respective magic abilities to aid as well. Ahio and Carmela remain with Grandpa Ryu.

Richie, Umi and ChouChou remain in the galley, keeping an eye on Apis.

But the lion, sea snake, and little dog don't seem to be doing a good job, as she's seen running out the galley, but trips before she can get towards the ship's bow.

"Apis?!" Exclaims Usopp, who stood at the deck just at the front of the galley. "It's dangerous out here! Go back inside!"

"But I can't leave Grandpa Ryu all by himself!" She urges, pushing herself off the ground and goes right back to running to the rear of the ship.

"Hold on! Come back here!" Usopp shouts, running after her.

And with a skill none of us knew she had, Apis tightropes down the line tethering the dragon's raft to the ship.

"Have you lost your mind?! You'll kill yourself. Apis!"

"Grandpa Ryu? Hang in there just a little bit longer. I'm gonna get you to the Dragons' Nest. I promise you." The child coos, rubbing the dragon's snout.

Usopp awes, being moved to tears at the exchange between the young girl and dragon. "Man, she's brave. Look at her! She loves that dragon." A new bout of confidence runs through the sniper. "Alright! You can count on me, Apis! I'll help you break through the front lines and reach the Dragons' Nest, okay?"

Too busy monologuing, Usopp fails to notice the two incoming cannonballs.

Unlike the past few that were fired upon the crew, these ones were particularly well-coordinated and splashdown a little too close for comfort in between the Going Merry and Grandpa Ryu's raft/cart. The impact of the cannonballs triggers the waters around the caravel to surge aggressively causing the ship to tilt dangerously forward as the back end gets tossed upward.

The Going Merry rights itself, albeit gracelessly.

Usopp, being thrown into the air from the cannonballs' shockwave, lands back on the stern deck with a harsh crash in nothing but a sprawled-out pile of limbs.

Leaping to his feet, the sniper clutches his head. "They got us! They circled around and attacked from behind. "Sanji! Ghin! We've been hit! Sanji! Ghin!" He shouts melodramatically as he runs over to the undaunted blond chef. "We're doomed! It's over!" He continues to sob, running around the rear deck.

Clearly having enough with the sniper's theatrics, Sanji points out the flaws in Usopp's overdramatic concerns. "Pipe down, will ya? We haven't been hit."

Usopp gaps at the chef. "Seriously?"

"Yeah." Ghin replies.

Usopp sighs in relief. "I'm saved. . ." The sniper's expression of relief is then replaced with one of annoyance. "Who was the one going around and saying we've been hit anyway?!"

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