[32] - Arlong Park Arc ~ 2

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🏴️️Ch. 32: Nami the Witch of Cocoyashi Village! Arlong's Prized Navigator!🏴️️

Our meal among the calm waves was going peacefully. If you count Luffy stretching his hand across the table to pick off pieces of everyone's food a peaceful meal. But some of us manage to calmly find a way to get the rubber captain to back off. And by 'calmly', I mean me stabbing his hand with a fork and Sanji and Ghin kicking him in the face before he could even get close to the food. The blond womanizer chef even berates him for 'daring to swipe the dear pearl's food'.

Sanji was a weird one, but he's very sweet. He went boneless as I thanked him for protecting my meal.

And speaking of pearl's, I've been scrubbing every last bit of paint off the gem Trigger had found earlier. There's more to this pearl than what's being let on. And let's just say my family and I have a real close relation with things such as this. The pearl is giving off a familiar energy that only myself, Carmela, Ahio and Calder are familiar with. If this gem is what I think it is, then my friends are in for something truly extraordinary, as well as some explanation of my own past.

I had my fill of food and had finished cleaning the pearl before continuing working on the special gift for everyone when Nami rejoined our crew.

Luffy's wandering hand catches my eye again. This time going for a plate of Yosaku's pickles. The bounty hunter nabs the rubber boy's hand before he can make off with one. With his mouthful, Yosaku had to resort to hand gestures to get Luffy to stop eating his food.

Luffy, being the idiot he is, doesn't understand Yosaku's gestures. "What is he trying to say?" With his arm still in Yosaku's grip, he skillfully throws a pickle from the plate all the way into his mouth.

We all just stare in shock and slight amazement at what Luffy's ability can do to get him food.

"Let me go, already." Luffy demands as he continues chewing his food.

Yosaku swallows his food so he can explain what he couldn't with his hand gestures. "I'm trying to say that's mine!"

"Oh, really?" Luffy questions. "And who decided that?"

"I did! I put it on my plate, it's mine! That's how it works."

"Well, I don't see your name on it anywhere."


Meanwhile, as the two continue arguing, in the sea beneath the group's boats a large something swims in closer, unaware that it was being watched by a certain Sea King. So far, it didn't seem to pose any serious threat to his water-breathing Alpha above waters but decides to advise her of this new information.


🌊(First Name), whatever you sensed earlier is swimming right underneath your boats.🌊

Calder informs me. Not wanting to interrupt the hilarious event of Yosaku and Luffy arguing over food, I respond via our telepathic connection. I never really have to open my mouth to speak to those that live in the ocean. Kinda redundant for someone who has the ability to breathe underwater through the gills on her neck.

"Understood. Is it a threat?"

🌊Quite the opposite, actually. He's an old friend of ours. Maybe he can help you get to where Nami is faster.🌊

"Really? Who?"


The odd sound could be heard over Yosaku and Luffy's arguing, but I'm not the only one who takes notice.

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