[69] - Little Garden Arc ~ 8

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🏴‍☠️️Ch.69: Goodbye to the Island of Giants! Make Way for Alabasta!🏴‍☠️️

Broggy mourns the death of his fellow giant, as anyone would when experiencing loss. Only difference being that his sobs are call for tears that make a waterfall look like a pleasant drizzle.

As much as I desperately need rehydration, I'd rather not it be with a giant's sorrowful tears. Which is why I broke out the parasols and am now taking cover with Ms. Goldenweek, the Guild and Firouz underneath with me. Carmela and Umi shelter a few others with their own parasols.

The giant's tears are so much that it's creating a rainbow above him.

"Whoa, look at that...!" Luffy awes. "His tears are making a rainbow!"

And not only are the giant's tears massive, but his sobbing wails are equally so in their volume. Everyone has to cover their ears at the loudness of them, especially the animals.

"With all this crying, we'll drown here." Nami shouts over Broggy's anguished sobs, her own ears covered.

"It's practically a waterfall." Zoro comments.

Usopp fights his own tears, understanding why the warrior Giant is so distraught. "So sad...Master...Broggy!"

Out of the corner of my eye, I see the hand of Dory's seeming dead body twitch with signs of life. I smile, knowing that hope has not been lost and all the fighting wasn't in vain. "I don't think you'll be needing to waste anymore of those tears on sadness, Broggy."

My sudden statement allows Broggy's all out sobs to slow into sniffles. "What...do you mean?"

"I mean you should stop crying now for the death of your comrade and start shedding tears of happiness because you haven't lost him just yet." I nod my head in the direction of Dory.

All eyes then shift to the apparent dead Giant, nearly bulging out of their skulls as they see him brace himself upright with the help of his sword and clutching at his injured shoulder.


Broggy is the first to break the shocked silence. "Dory...you're...alive!"

"I must have lost consciousness..." The now conscious Giant mutters.


While the Straw Hats were facing a shock of their own, deep in Little Garden's jungles, in the wax hut of Mr. 3, Sanji is facing a surprising turn of events of his own.

"Mr. 0..." The blonde cook breathes quietly. 'I've heard that name somewhere before...Wasn't that the name of the boss guy Vivi was so frightened of? Which would mean...That the person who is on the other end but this transponder snail...is one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea.'

{It's been a long time since I issued your orders Mr. 3...What's happening on that island?} Mr. 0 inquires.

'All right, so I guess this Mr. 3 character is the owner of this transponder snail. I think I have this figured out now. This little place here is an enemy hideout, and someone named Mr. 3 was ordered by someone named Mr. 0 to come to this island and kill Vivi. Damn it...What was I thinking...? This was no time for me to be out on a hunting trip! I hope that they're all still okay.' Sanji scolds himself for letting his guard down. "Shit..."

{Well, are you going to answer me? When I ask a question, I expect an answer...} Mr. 0 growls on the other end. {Have you captured the Siren and eliminated Princess Vivi and the Straw Hats as you were ordered?}

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