🏴‍☠‍️Ch.47.5 (I) | Movie 2: Clockwork Island Adventure🏴‍☠‍️

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After the whole Loguetown incident, the crew deserves a well-off break before we make our way into the Grand Line. Which is how we all came to dock the Going Merry at this pleasant little island from some rest and relaxation.

Scattered about theisland's sandy shore, the crew of the Straw Hat Pirates do their own things.Luffy sits atop a rock, fishing rod in hand, with ChouChou in his lap. Namilies sunbathing on the sand in the new pink bikini I designed for her. Richieand Tito are playing volleyball on a makeshift court they dug into the sand,with Carmela and Ahio being their point guards. Astro and Hanabi build a with Nestor in one of the towers.

Meanwhile, Umi and I emerge from gliding beneath the waves, enjoying the peace while updating my Marine Biology research

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Meanwhile, Umi and I emerge from gliding beneath the waves, enjoying the peace while updating my Marine Biology research. 

So far, I've come across a Ribbon Eel, a pod of rare Red Dolphins, and a Zebra Manta

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So far, I've come across a Ribbon Eel, a pod of rare Red Dolphins, and a Zebra Manta.

ChouChou suddenly leaps from Luffy's lap, his attention drawn by something that washed ashore. It appears to be a wind-up toy in the form of a windmill. He grips it in his mouth before returning to Luffy.

Luffy, being Luffy, turns the toy's key which causes the toy windmill's sails to spin, entrancing the rubber captain further.

"Hey! ChouChou found something cool! Come and see! Hey!" He calls for his crewmates' attention.

Nami just so happens to be the closest to Luffy's shouts, to her dismay. She frowns in Luffy's direction, though remaining in her relaxing position. "What's he so happy about now?"

💥Knowing, Cap, it's most likely something menial.💥 Trigger grumbles from his own sunbathing spot alongside Nami.

"Yeah. You could be right. Luffy could get excited about something as boring as a passing cloud. It's probably nothing." Nami hums.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, my dear Pearl~💞" Sanji coos, waiting for me with a silk shawl and a shave ice.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, my dear Pearl~💞" Sanji coos, waiting for me with a silk shawl and a shave ice

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