[64] - Little Garden Arc ~ 3

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🏴‍☠️️Ch.64: Luffy & Siren Get Angry! A Duel of Honor is No Place for Dirty Tricks!🏴‍☠️️

The two giants clash, tearing up the thick jungle foliage underfoot like it's nothing but loose grass. As their weapons slam against one another, the strength in which they are wielded shows full force, as powerful shockwaves are given off, tearing up more of the jungle and making the earth beneath them crack and shatter.

Carue curls up with his wings protectively over his face, while Vivi still manages to remain standing against the strong winds caused by the giant weapons slamming into one another. I stand strong against the powerful shockwaves, Carmela on one shoulder holding up a wing to keep Firouz from flying off, with Astro and Hanabi grasping tightly at my other shoulder.

Richie sits with Luffy on the jungle floor, watching the battle in awe.

I notice the quetzalcoatlus who had rescued my group stalk into one of the large caverns of the fossil-like mountain structures, then lie on a nest of straw, curling up around something. But what that something is, I can't tell due to his back facing me.

More echoing slams and the ringing of weapons clashing with vigour against one another draws back my attention. The giants are in no way holding back against each other, I can see now why this fighting has lasted for a century. Their skills are proving to be evenly matched. Blocking every blow or dodging skillfully, they can't even give the other a wound.

In a stunning feat, Broggy leaps high into the air, dodging a lunge from Dory's sword, which has embedded itself into a large rock face. High above, Broggy raises his axe to bring down on the seemingly left defenseless Dory. Rather than leave behind his sword to dodge or raise his shield for protection, Dory holds his ground using his helmet to take the brunt of attack, causing the axe's wooden handle to splinter but not break completely. He then forces Broggy's weapon back before slamming his head right into his left open midsection and sending him flying through another giant rock structure.


With Broggy's company of the share of the Straw Hat crew, the members watch on with different views on what they are currently witnessing.

Stuck between whether to be afraid or impressed, Usopp clutches at his head, tears streaming down his face as he watches the giants fight. "He... He blocked that hit with his helmet. That's incredible! A couple of inches left or right and it would've killed him!"

"They're certainly not pulling any punches." Ghin trails off, sweating lightly at the intensity radiating off the battle before them.

Both the giants rise back to their feet, Broggy making the first move, nearly cleaving off Dory's head if he hadn't taken a single step back. Only a few strands of his beard being the victims. Dory retaliates with his sword, only to be blocked by Broggy's shield. Broggy raises his axe to attack but is met by Dory's own shield.

"What an incredible fight, huh?" Usopp's fear gives way from fear to awe that has him rooted to his spot. "Every one of those attacks is aimed at some vital spot. Just one slip from either of them, and that's it--they're dead!"

"These guys have really been fighting to the death for 100 years?" Nami questions aloud. "That's gotta get old." The navigator's tenseness eases away as the giants' attention is solely on fighting one another. "This is a good thing. This is our chance to get away. Let's go."

She, along with the Gems and a majority of the Pack, turns on her heel to leave, but the sniper, quartermaster and surprisingly their Explosives Expert, remain rooted to their spots, eyes never leaving the fight. Nami stops after a few steps, realizing her fellow Straw Hats aren't following along.

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