[23] - Baratie Arc ~ 5

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🏴️️Ch.23: Protect the Baratie! Chef Zeff Was a Pirate!🏴️️

Protests come from the chefs regarding Zeff's decision as the old chef turns and walks away from Krieg after dropping off the sack of meals, while the head chef himself is unmoved by both Krieg's presence and the objections of his cooks.

Don Krieg, on the other hand, looks utterly petrified at hearing the head chef's name. Frozen in place, eyes wide open in shock.

"Wh-Wh-What are you doing?! You can't be serious!"

"If all of those pirates get their strength back the restaurant will be completely taken over!"

"That would be true . . ." Calmly, Zeff finally speaks. " . . .If they still have the will to fight."

The chefs are confused at Zeff's comment.

"Tell me . . ." Zeff turns to face Krieg. "Did your will survive defeat?"

Don Krieg is at a loss for words at Zeff's question that seems to hold more weight than any of the rest of us can realize.

The cooks are stunned by this news.

"That can't be . . ."

"The great Don Krieg was defeated?!"

Every chef turns to look at Krieg.

"Whoa, not even he could do it." Carne says shocked. "A pirate fleet with 50 ships couldn't make it on the Grand Line!"

"The Grand Line?" Luffy breathes.

"It is you, isn't it?" Krieg gasps. "You're 'Red Foot' Zeff." Don Krieg's look of surprise turns into a sneer. "So, you are alive. The unrivaled pirate captain who was also the ship's cook."

"Yes, that's right. I'm still alive." Zeff replies calmly, yet boredly, as he turns to face Krieg. "But what has any of this got to do with you? I haven't been a pirate for many years now; I chose the life of a cook."

Krieg cackles. "'Chose the life of a cook', huh? Yeah, right. You didn't have a choice, old man. You live as a cook because the only thing you can be now is a cook. He was known far and wide. 'Red Foot' Zeff was a master of deadly kicks who never used his hands in battle. It was said that with his mighty legs he could crush bedrock to sand and leave footprints on solid steel. 'Red Foot' referred to his boots which became soaked in the blood of his enemies as he kicked them down." The pirate commodore looks at Zeff's peg leg. "You know, it really is a pity that you no longer have that precious leg of yours." "I heard that rumor some time ago. How unlucky for you to have such an accident at sea. Now that your greatest weapon has been sacrificed to the sea you're defenseless; Completely unable to fight."

"I don't need to fight anymore." Zeff grunts. "I'm a cook. And as long as I have my two hands for that I'll be just fine. Enough chit chat! Let's get to the point. What do you want from me?" Zeff's tone is of pride and confidence, unlike Krieg boastfulness.

Krieg smiles maliciously. "'Red Foot'. You're the man who sailed the perilous waters of the Grand Line and came back unscathed. Impressive. There should be a logbook detailing your tactics. A full year of your journey there. Give it to me, now!"

Zeff doesn't openly flinch at Krieg's demand, but his gaze does harden.

"Whoa, so is he saying you've been to the Grand Line too, Pops?" Luffy asks excitedly.

"Yeah." Zeff replies like it's no big deal, with a scowl still present on his face. "My logbook, huh? You're right. I do indeed have a record of my travels . . .but I will never hand it over to you." The smirk Krieg wore on his face morphs into a frown. "You ignorant brute. That logbook is sacred to me; It's the pride of the crewmen that I sailed with. It's far too important to give to you."

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