[25] - Baratie Arc ~ 7

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🏴☠️️Ch.25: Sanji's Deadly Foot Techniques! Sanji & (First Name) vs. The Invincible Pearl! How Dare You Disgrace a Gem of the Sea! 🏴☠️

The sea cooks, including Sanji, and sans Zeff, continue to gawk at my still transformed self. Carmela patched me up before taking off to catch up with the rest of the crew to get Nami and the Going Merry back. 'Just a little longer Bellemere. Please let everyone be okay. I'm going to right the wrongs Arlong and his fishmen have made.'

"Alright!" I hear Luffy cheer from his upside-down position on the outdoor banister of the Baratie, looking out at the Krieg Pirates standing on the floating debris of their galleon. "They wanna fight too, huh? Now this'll be fun!" The rubber boy hoists himself up to face Zeff. "Okay, Pops, you promised (First Name) and I remember? We run those pirates off and our debt to you is clear. No more chores."

"'Our debt'? I think you mean 'your debt', Luffy. Since you caused the cannonball to go flying at the restaurant and I'm the one working my tail off to take care of things while you're sitting pretty, heckling with Zeff!" I berate the rubber idiot.

"That's the deal." Zeff replies with his arms crossed. "There's no telling how much more of my restaurant you can screw up if you stick around. Not to mention the heavy workload you'll bring about for (First Name)."

Luffy chuckles. "Yeah!"

"So, kid, you said you were going to be King of the Pirate. Were you serious?" The old chef questions Luffy.

"He's more serious than you can possibly imagine, Zeff." I state.

"Well yeah. Of course. I'm definitely gonna be King of the Pirates someday." Luffy responds.

A wide grin is on Zeff's face. "I've seen a whole lot of pirates in my day, but you're the first to state your desire so clearly and without a doubt." He then shifts his gaze to me. "And I always knew there was something special and powerful lurking within you, young lady, but the 'Seafaring Siren'? Even that exceeds what I had in mind."

"Well, I'm just full of surprises." I grin. "I hope you aren't upset about me keeping this kind of thing from you all."

"You probably had your reasons. As a high-ranking pirate, you can't be too careful on who you can trust." Zeff assures me.

"Hey, pops! I heard that back in the day you were a pretty awesome pirate yourself! So, did you wanna be King of the Pirates too?" Luffy asks.

Zeff looks to the sky. "I do my best to forget about the past. I'm the owner of Baratie now, and that's quite enough for me."

Meanwhile, I can hear Krieg's obnoxious, loud voice start to rally up his remaining men.


"Men! If we can capture that ship, the Grand Line will be ours for the taking! No more pretending to be Marines or raising the white flag of surrender. None of our enemies will suspect we're a threat with a ship like that." A sickening grin is plastered on the Pirate Commodore's ugly mug. "In that boat, it will always be a sneak attack! And with the Siren on our crew the Krieg Pirate Armada will become legendary."

"He's right. That boat would come in handy."

"No one would think that pirates were on a ridiculous looking ship."

"And the Siren is one of the most feared pirates of this generation. With her, there's no way we can possibly lose."

"Right, but Don . . .how would we manage to get the Siren to join us? And even if we enter the Grand Line again using that vessel, what if we come across someone like 'Hawk-Eye' Mihawk again? Then what'll we do?!" A Krieg pirate questions his captain.

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