Prolouge // Do Astrophysicists Dream of Anti-Gravity Sheep? //

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This is a sequel to Danganronpa: Despair Avenue. I would recommend reading that first. You don't have to, but some aspects of the story, including some major characters (both early and late in the story), may be confusing and/or difficult to understand.

Originally created 26 January 2021-17th August 2021.

The boundless void of blank nothingness wasn't very interesting at all.

Not very convenient when you're looking for something to distract your immortality buddy from her endless painful boredom.

"Okay, I have an idea." She beamed. "I've told you my story, you tell me yours."

"Well, where do I begin?" I asked, staring her in the face.

"The beginning, duh." She sarcastically retorted, sitting down on the blindingly white floor with her legs extended.

"Okay, that would make sense," I said, sitting across from her with my legs crossed. "But I still don't understand why you want me to tell you the story, weren't you there the whole time?"

"Well, we're kinda stuck here. I need SOMETHING to pass the time, and there were some details I forgot. Or maybe I just wasn't paying attention." She huffed, rolling her eyes so far her pupils basically disappeared. "Plus, it's your fault we're here in the first place."

"Yeah, yeah. I get it. So, do you want the full story?"

"All of it."

"Okay, here we go."


Who was I? I certainly didn't know.

I was like a newborn baby, but with less goop and gross stuff and screaming.

Also, I could walk and talk and stuff.

Okay, so maybe not exactly like a newborn baby. Shut up.

I couldn't tell if I was awake or not. I couldn't see anything, and I couldn't hear very well. The only sense still intact was the feeling of my hands resting on the cold concrete.

"Oi. Wake up." A muffled voice said to me, as someone kicked my leg.

I was blinded by some kind of bandana covering my eyes.

"Are you ignoring me, or just stupid?" The voice was clearer now, and sounded nothing short of irritating.

Moving my hands up to the back of my head to untie the bandana, I opened my mouth to speak. "If you weren't so pushy, maybe I'd be more willing to cooperate."

The sudden change in light level momentarily blinded me, but I quickly recovered my bearings and stood up to find the source of the voice.

"Right, took you long enough. Are you gonna untie me now?"

Strangely, I hadn't noticed that she was restricted until she pointed it out, and I rushed to untie her.

"Don't try anything funny while you're down there." She said, referring to how close both of our hands were to her lower half.

As soon as I finished untying her, she leapt back and away from me, and began massaging her wrists.

"Thanks." She said half heartedly. "But it took you long enough! I've been awake for, like, half an hour!"

"If they bothered tying your hands, why didn't they cover your mouth, too?" I snipped at her.

"Oi! Don't get all smart wi' me!"

"Are you...?" I began cautiously.

"Am I what?" She raised an eyebrow.


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