Chapter Five // Codename Altair // Class Trial

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As I said before, this case isn't as long as the others.
It's actually over 2000 words shorter than the previous trial.
I hope that isn't disappointing, and I hope the plot relevance of the trial makes up for it. The case is solved less than halfway through, and the rest is...something you'll have to find out yourself.
But, believe me, you'll leave with more questions than you came in with.
Also, the prelude to chapter 6 was also posted at the same time as this to make up for the shortness. I hope you'll find it very interesting.

We're in the home stretch now, and not long before the end of this killing game, and the start of something new.

Monomeiko: ...

Monoissei: ...

Monomeiko: Everyone's kinda boring now.

Monomeiko: I mean, damn. What's a computer program gotta do to for some entertainment?

Monoissei: Yeah, totally. I'm so bored right now. Yukie added some spice!

Monomeiko: Anyways! Let's get this trial underway!

Hannah Campbell: What should we talk about first?

Atsuji Minami: Normally we start with Alibis, but won't that be kinda hard this time? Cause we were all trapped in separate rooms.

Hannah Campbell: Not necessarily...


Hannah Campbell: While it is true we were all locked in separate rooms...

Hannah Campbell: That doesn't mean that all of us have an alibi.

Inaya Saeed: Kotomi and I seem to be the only ones who were locked in one room together...

Hannah Campbell: So aside from those two, any one of us could have killed Yukie and then locked ourselves in a room again.

Hannah Campbell: Aside from Nycas, who was never locked in a room.

Ryuji Takase: Hold on, Nycas was loose the whole time?

Atsuji Minami: Yeah...being the only person not locked up at the time of the murder is kinda suspicious...

Atsuji thinks I'm suspicious. I don't blame him, but I can definitely defend myself.

Monokuma File 06
Missing Bullet
Dropped Gun
Hiroka Death Report
Gunshot Recording
Cold Body<
Crime Scene Pictures
Smashed Windows

Hannah Campbell: While it is true we were all locked in separate rooms...

Hannah Campbell: That doesn't mean that all of us have an alibi.

Inaya Saeed: Kotomi and I seem to be the only ones who were locked in one room together...

Hannah Campbell: So aside from those two, any one of us could have killed Yukie and then locked ourselves in a room again.

Hannah Campbell: Aside from Nycas, who was never locked in a room.

Ryuji Takase: Hold on, Nycas was loose the whole time?

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