Chapter Five // Codename Altair // Daily Life

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Before we start, this was drawn by frenchfries_yum , who also has a fangan of their own! (Go read it, it's amazing)

Before we start, this was drawn by frenchfries_yum , who also has a fangan of their own! (Go read it, it's amazing)

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They only recently started reading, so no spoilers ;)

Also, the extras/shot stories book is out now! (Or at least very soon after this is published) First up, how did Hannah end up in Japan?

As I rubbed my eyes that morning, I was distinctly aware of the presence in the corner of my room.

Yukie was sitting cross-legged on a leather chair in the corner of the room. "Finally. I've been waiting for hours!" She exclaimed. "You shave under your arms? Interesting."

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" I screamed, falling out of bed.

"AHH, GOD, PUT SOME CLOTHES ON!" She screamed back, covering her eyes.


"I wanna get a good lock at your body!"


"I wanna see how you'd do in a fight!"


"Okay, first of all, I don't like your tone."

"Fuck off." I firmly said. She sighed.

"Fine, but-"

"NO BUTS, fuck off."

She stomped off, slamming the door behind her. I took a moment to process what had just happened, but eventually worked myself up to get dressed. I walked down to the cafeteria, and only Hannah was there to greet me.

"They're all already at the auditorium." She explained.

"Auditorium? Why?"

"Did you not see the announcement? The Monomorons called us down there."

I shook my head.

"We sent Yukie to check on you. Did she not?"

"Oh, she was there." I said, nodding slowly, then it dawned on Hannah.

"Oh, shit. We probably shouldn't have sent her. What did she do, get in bed with you?"

"No, just watched me. Creepily."

Hannah laughed us down to the auditorium. Everyone was waiting there, including Ryuji who was semi-passed out against the stage. I chose to not make eye contact with Yukie.

"Has he still not slept?" I asked, closing the door behind myself.

Kotomi shook her head. "I went into the cafeteria early this morning to get a head start on the day, and he was just sitting there staring at the kitchen. He must've stayed there all night.."

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